Cars parking on footpaths

kazbanz, Jul 15, 4:15am
why is it even a question?--report it and get em ticketed

s_nz, Jul 15, 4:33am
Both driving & parking on footpaths are illegal by default.

Although councils do have the power to allow footpath parking in bylaws.

gyrogearloose, Jul 15, 4:55am
There was someone in the news recently who advocated throwing a brick through the windscreen.

gazzat22, Jul 15, 5:03am
Towed would be better Kaz.!

amasser, Jul 15, 5:15am
Do it.

kazbanz, Dec 23, 8:14pm
I'll qualify my reply by saying that PARKING actually on Footpaths is a no go. There is no excuse for it.
Driving ON footpaths. A car going out gates across the footpath is the only option for anyone in that area. But vehicles need to give way to pedestrians. In fairness its a total PITA when you want/need to do a test drive and some self important twit has parked over your driveway because they were "just getting a coffee" and block the drive for 10 minutes. --Ohh and no I don't work there