Mechanics Prices

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tygertung, Apr 20, 3:56pm
I would imagine that it would be advisable to use a torque wrench when re-installing, but generally yes, it doesn't take long to remove.

You just have to jam the ring-gear to get it undone, or bolt a bit of bar or something to the flywheel, and then something to the block to hold it.

toyboy3, Apr 21, 4:50am
The garage is there to earn money and make a profit for the days work. Otherwise might as well be at the beach 🏖 for the day

trogedon, Apr 21, 7:19am
Sure but they can do that honestly with the parts of the job that actually take a good amount of time.

gph1961, Apr 21, 7:32am
Amen sister

annie17111, Apr 21, 8:42am
I don't know about every garage but I thought that most jobs have a standard time they take, so if the job will take 4 hours, and the mechanic is quick and gets it done in 3 hours, 30 minutes, the customer is charged four hours. But on the other hand if the mechanic is slow and job takes five hours, then customer is still only charged four hours.

nice_lady, Apr 21, 9:46am
Dunno about that I'd say it would depend on the individual garage and how honest they are. I recall years ago a garage saying it took xxx amount of time to install a new a steering drop arm on the old valiant - Hubby blew a fuse over it - then the manager said "Well we had the apprentice doing it and it took him longer". Hubby asked if that was the case why were we being charged Tradesmans rates ? They dropped quite a lot off the bill.

muppet_slayer, Apr 21, 12:27pm
Usually a customer will be told when getting a quote that it is subject to change because unforeseen problems can arise during the job. Things seize and or break, bolts strip or break, other parts that should be ok can be worn out and are only seen once pulled apart etc etc. So on some jobs you'll be told the quote is more an estimate and can be subject to change.

muppet_slayer, Aug 19, 9:15am
An example is replacing the exhaust manifold gaskets on a Nissan engine which are prone to snapping off manifold studs, they may break or they may not so the quote can't really be ascertained before it gets done. 1, 5 or 10 might break off, or none might break off. Or if they break off will enough shank be visible to get the vice grips on to undo? Or will they break off flush with the head in which case they will need drilling out? It just can't be foreseen. I often ask for a worse case scenario estimate as well as the standard estimate for the reasons stated above.