Gor Blimey gunnie. Ain't in the same league as a trusty ole camry is it. lol
Mar 19, 5:08pm
Well could well be, it's prob older than the Camry. Its been up and down thousands of times and they don't last forever. Speaking of Camrys, Backed it out the other day and it made a hell a racket. WTF I thought, naa just a jammed stone.
Mar 19, 5:20pm
Yip i hear and genuinely FEEL ya pain Damn time of the year and road works everywhere. LOL Incidentally recall ol skin1235? yeah back in the days of male timaru zeph tools jazzpianoma feindlyprawn etc. ?
Mar 19, 5:28pm
Yes, remember those names. back when you had pages of shit slinging generally over nothing. I think good old TM head honcho's new something when they got rid of of some categories on here. Think of all the world an NZ events that have happened since they did, geez there servers would have melt down.
Mar 25, 1:47pm
Gunna, is there a connection on the unit for a 2 wire push button unit by your house door, I would wire a push button to this and if it works then the problem is with the remote. All the wall push button does is bridge the remote operated relay contacts in the main unit, as mentioned contacts in relay could be dirty or just burnt out through many years of use, if relay is plug in type then replace.
Mar 26, 2:24am
I bought a $5 remote controlled relay from AliExpress and wired the receiver across the garage push button. It is the best door opener I have ever owned.
Mar 26, 11:03am
We have a Merlin in our Garage and never had a problem.We,ve been here 17years and it was in when we bought the house.Try resetting/changing the code numbers in the remote and the motor unit might do something. maybe! .You can buy new remotes on TM remotesonline (one word) is the name !.I bought a key ring type one about a year ago. from them.
Mar 26, 11:20am
Try 3028094333.
Mar 26, 3:16pm
Yea might try changing codes as its those wee slide ones. I have two remotes and nether work so doubt two would crap out at once? Or is that a thing.
Mar 27, 6:50am
I would be inclined to get an electrician to check the motor or an installer if there is one locally.
Mar 27, 7:46am
An update. I went out and changed codes and turned power off at its switch. It now is going again. I changed code back and its still going. I had last week sprayed contact cleaner around it all but hadn't since tried it till today. Time will tell I guess but somethin worked. till this arvo when i try again LOL.
Mar 27, 10:29am
Maybe the contact cleaner was shorting out 2 numbers at once and confusing it.! and not the remote. fingers crossed.
Mar 27, 10:42am
Contact cleaner evaporates very quickly.
Aug 28, 10:02am
Yes but it does leave a residue.The avionics guys at Air NZ only used isopropyl alcohol.
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