Have been through quite a handful of dirt cheap ones over the years. Last one I ran until the hose melted wile topping up the SUV tires (guess I should have waited for it to cool between tires).
Thinking of getting something better this time.
Any thoughts/
$69 Ozito 12V 70L/Min 145 PSI Twin Cylinder Air Compressor
Worth spending the extra money on the bigger one? Mostly will just be used at home, kept in the garage (One car has a spare tire, other has a mini compressor included in a flat fixing kit), but I like the idea of being able to power it from the car when I pick up other peoples rarely used trailers, or on to put in the back of the SUV if I am going somewhere that airing down the tires might be desirable.
Nov 16, 11:43am
people severely underestimate the size of air compressor thats needed. plus manufactures claims are way off. typically expect about half of whatever spec they say.
Forget all that crap and get the M12 Milwaukee one. Completely self contained, ie no cables needed to connect to main vehicle battery.
Nov 16, 1:43pm
waste of time with those battery ones. the compressors are usually to small and end up overheating. especially when you have a big power source in the suv to use.
Nov 16, 1:59pm
I have one identical to the Repco one, mounted permanently in the back of my 4wd, it fills 31/32" tyres from 15 to 35psi reasonably fast, but gets f***king hot after filling all 4, especially at the outlet for the hose, if/when it dies I'll buy a twin head model like Tweake suggests.
Come to think of it Tweake, I have a funny feeling you know a thing or two about a modified version, with a copper tube to reduce heat?
Nov 16, 2:24pm
Kinda an expensive option for me who doesn't have any M12 batteries. $185 bare tool + $179.40 for the 6Ah battery + $99 charger.
I also have some doubts about the performance. If it drew the same 400W as the repco's motor rating, the biggest available battery would be flat in under 11mins. Could be more efficient than the repco, but I doubt by heaps.
Auto shut off etc would be nice, but I think this is more suited to inflating wheelbarrow tires, and topping off allready fairly well inflated SUV tires. Could likely work for my duty, but I think I can get better for cheaper.
Nov 16, 2:38pm
I would not underestimate the Ozito. Most people who buy Ozito gear are genuinely surprised at how well they perform and last way longer than price would suggest.
Nov 16, 3:02pm
yes. that one is still in use today.
Nov 16, 3:06pm
You've got no idea what you are talking about as per usual. They're made to pump up tyres not a zeppelin and they work fine.
Nov 16, 3:15pm
the repco one would probably do ok with fairly low profile tires. if you can fit a bigger compressor i highly recommend bigger. one thing to watch with the cheaper models (like repco etc) is they do not like doing high pressure. 150psi is complete BS. problem is some vehicles run really high tire pressures.
we have a boss air suspension one as well (can't recall model) but they are $300-400 range.
why spend $400+ on a small one thats suited to car tires when you can get a decent one that will do 4wd tires and cost less. you also have the issue that the battery is flat or someone is using it on another tool. also interesting is the reviews on the Milwaukee site that found they overheat when on decent sized tires.
waste of time. get a decent sized one that runs of the vehicle battery and leave it in the vehicle.
thats probably a good buy. that type is usually pretty quick.
the double headed version is super fast but really bulky which is why i no longer have it in the ute.
Nov 16, 5:19pm
Thanks for the link. looks to be a bit more compresses for not much money than the repco one. Posting actual inflation times for 4x4 tires is nice too.
Thinking it might be overkill for my needs though. a 7kg compressor is getting pretty heavy.
Oct 23, 11:57am
Have a look at the Boss ones. Not sure what your budget is. They will be a bit more than repco, you can get parts for them if need be.
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