The Geet Engine?

falcon74, Feb 18, 11:31am
Yes,no,WTF or snake oil?

sr2, Feb 18, 11:42am
. reaches for tinfoil hat. !

tony9, Feb 18, 11:47am

intrade, Feb 18, 11:50am
its made of hopes and dreams and only works in lalaland where woopyweed smokers live.

apollo11, Feb 18, 12:36pm
It turns banana peels into quantum wave pulses.

gph1961, Feb 18, 1:16pm
what?no flux capacitor?

poppy62, Feb 18, 2:45pm
Shows your lack of knowledge on this engine. The Turbo Incabulator ( by Chrysler) fitted to the Geet engine is the future of motoring.

apollo11, Feb 18, 3:23pm
Perhaps it would have been taken more seriously with a snazzier name.
But probably not.

extrayda, Feb 18, 6:18pm
Combine this with the HDT Energy Polariser and you could probably create a perpetual motion machine.

gblack, Feb 19, 1:31am
WTF did I just read on that link? Looks like a bad translation of somebody rambling on about . something

"they are affected by the direction of motion of the lunar mass and the gravitational field of the earth. Later, in the speech on the east coast to the west coast, molloey explained why. This is due to frequency and vibration"

Yeah right.

mrfxit, Feb 19, 1:36am
Thats a lot of Heavy duty translation going on there.
Started to follow it ok & then interpretation got in the way

intrade, Feb 19, 4:17am
see these things often borderline appear to work. like the dancing flower working for ever without a battery. etc .But you cant drive a 40 ton truck on the movement the dancing flower does ,, that is what they can not comprehend why .
EXAMPLE. i had die cast cars to play as kid they would not brake or dent. there logic is you just make them larger and they wont ever dent.
size mass there is so much difference from a lab experiment to real world.
its also why toyota has not made any full battery electric cars for so long . because its a lot more problematic just like everything else things change extreme when you change conditions of environment.

gph1961, Feb 19, 5:38am
a need to know basis

ronaldo8, Feb 19, 11:30am
Pure snake, no oil included. A fine example of pseudo science babble with just enough shiny sounding sprinkles dusted on top to make it sound authentic. It ain't, it contains no science.

Religions modern face designed for a cargo cult of modern day primitives. Same old shtick with a new wrapper, instead of ghosts, spirits, talking bushes and timelord god zombies its quantum flux and zero point energy, but underneath it all the same old same old.

The certain knowledge that uncritical gullibility and "I want to believe, I need more" can be readily converted into filthy lucre by any shaman/priest/alchemist with enough face to do so, lead into gold.

Wishful thinking polished and packaged up by thieving shysters for public sale and consumption.

And a remarkable occurrence of intrade being 100% correct and on the money.

apollo11, Feb 19, 12:24pm
A stopped clock is correct twice a day. Intrade is a 'full moon' kind of correct lol.

intrade, Feb 19, 12:49pm
perpetual motion machine are banned from patenting because they can never be possible ever even electric jesus will not be allowed to patent proofen impossible stuff.

apollo11, Feb 19, 12:52pm
At least Elon knows how to spell 'proven'.

gph1961, Feb 19, 1:44pm

poppy62, Feb 19, 2:17pm
Try the yellow ones.

gph1961, Feb 19, 3:17pm
got any?

poppy62, Feb 19, 3:41pm
Only blue/white ones!

bill-robinson, Sep 11, 11:55am
is 'geet' the plural of 'git'? as in "you stupid git"?