Charged for changing O2 Sensor which wasn't faulty
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Apr 25, 11:39am
Often its more than just one thing thats the cause. Often replacing one thing, just exposes a second thing, and that in turn exposes a third thing. Which leaves you with a 4th thing to replace. Plus the 5th thing because by now its time to replace it anyway.
Thats how Audi works. @ X Kms, you just replace those 5 things.
as i said many times modern cars are going to cost a lot that includes toyota vw any new car The more there is to go wrong the more there will go wrong. Quote intrade (443 443 positive feedback) 12:17 pm, Sun 25 Apr #13
Are you intrades sister?
Apr 25, 12:23pm
No. But the statement stands.
Apr 25, 12:27pm
No need to be rude.
Apr 25, 12:34pm
I'd be surprised if an O2 sensor would cause the symptoms described. If the sensor was bad enough to provide a reading which causes the ECU to lean out the fuel to the extent that it causes pinging, I'd expect it to go into limp mode instead, as the ECU would know that the A/F ratio it's calling for is well outside of its parameters. And assuming there is a fuel problem, I'd be checking fuel pressure before I'd bother looking at the injectors. Then I'd be checking for blocked injectors rather than faulty ones. Unless there's a known issue with those injectors in other cars, in which case they should've replaced them at the outset.
Apr 25, 12:40pm
we are away now took a bit longer than usual
Apr 25, 1:57pm
ask Scotty Kilmer on You Tube
Apr 25, 2:23pm
I brought it private from a lady in Auckland, i believe it is a import
Apr 25, 2:27pm
Yes that sounds perfect to me.
Apr 25, 2:32pm
i took it to fairview mazda on te rapa, i must add for the record I did not want to go there but was told they are the experts. They are been decietful.
Apr 25, 2:34pm
Beautiful mate. Thanks
Apr 25, 2:50pm
Let's get REAL here okies damn thing between the number plates has an ENGINE=Shock Horror=It NEEDS Someone QUALIFIED in ENGINES-. Albeit BEFORE they had COMPLEX management systems. I.E. yon spark plug failure causing pre-ignition (pinking)-ETC Which was shown by the O2 sensors as a misfire. Actually and old well known poster who is a VERY VERY HIGHLY qualified toyota technician. Is currently working in nghongotaha. Not too far from hamilton for a serious independantant competent diagnosis.
Go back to them and ask if they tested the car after fitting the part, which has made no difference and what are they going to do about it.If possible take another person with you as a witness.
Apr 26, 6:22am
#7 They analysed the read out for 3hours then had a "Hunch" it was the 02 sensor. How strange.!
Apr 26, 7:00am
Yeah that sounds odd. Perhaps it's your wording ? Did they run a 3 hour diagnostic scan on the engine ? That would seem like a loooonnnngggg time to run a scan on an engine. Or did they run a scan which takes a few minutes and 'analyse it for 3 hours' ? Which seems a loooooonnnngggg time to analyse some info ?
And yeah 3 hours of whatever they did all they could come up with was a 'hunch' ? Nothing definitive obviously ? Hmm.
Apr 26, 7:14am
mazda 3 is NZ new car. Imports are mazda demio. What EXACTLY does it say on the job sheet? 3 hours on a scanner doesn't sound right to me
Apr 26, 7:28am
Not correct.- A Mazda 3 as an import is an Axela. Demio is a Mazda 2.
Apr 26, 7:33am
I know that--DUU ;-( Point being the number means kiwi new
Apr 26, 7:34am
Apr 26, 7:36am
Do what he says.
Apr 26, 10:08am
Well they did not say they had a hunch to be exact, they said that when they have a car with these symptoms, replacing the O2 sensor fixes the problem 99% of the time. They made that call after their tech guy analyzed the diagnostic scan for 3 hours. I asked for a copy of the diagnostic scan but they told me they do not give that out, so how can I be sure that they are been honest with me?
Apr 26, 10:09am
I asked for a copy of the diagnostic scan but they wont give it to me, they just said the O2 sensor is not the issue but I have to pay for it anyway.
Apr 26, 10:33am
There has to be a job sheet --ie an invoice. On the invoice it covers off work carried out
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