Cambelt Subaru EJ25T

_peas, Apr 18, 7:23am
Hey guys, I'd normally just call the mechanic but seen as he has the Sunday off its a little hard. Ballpark price for a complete cambelt job on a 2009 EJ25T? W/pump, seals, tens etc. Thanks for any info

bigfatmat1, Apr 18, 7:48am

intrade, Apr 20, 6:09am
i paid 760 dollers years ago for all parts just the cambelt has 12 parts the boxer is like you have to do 2 engines in parts. its definetl more now. i had gates belt with white lines on belt for timing on sprokets

reelingmaze, Apr 22, 11:18am
I have a diesel Mondeo wagon that I have been quoted for cambelt change with the extra's e.g. water pump, tensioner, seals. Varied from $1150 to $1600. All reputable workshops. Ford being the most expensive and also pitiful on customer service so no business from me.

intrade, Aug 18, 11:16am
ford is the most expensive car and you better use ford parts for most service items. Also if its a wet belt you would convert it to chain drive.