Fram Oil Filters

tygertung, Jun 15, 6:40am
Now these are an attractive orange colour, and they are nice to install and remove with the grippy end, but what is the filtration like? Are they much the same as any other filter?

franc123, Jun 15, 6:46am
FFS No thats already been covered off, did you pay zero attention to my posts in the other thread? Theyre cheap shyte, not made to the specifications they should be at all

tygertung, Jun 15, 6:55am
How come they are still selling them? Surely they would run into issues with the Consumer Guarantees Act?

intrade, Jun 15, 7:51am
i have noticed this in older people They want to get full pay for when they work for their jobs and when they retire they buy the worst crap. Preferably, get money paid to buy crap and then bitch when the stuff they buy is inferior crap. While they wanted to get full pay for their work and expect that everyone works and sells stuff for free to them as soon as they retire.
Think about it ? Why is there pyramid sceems when It's proofed to be a scam?
Why is there so much crap to buy? = because you don't want to pay nothing . They are not going to sell you a rollsroyce for 2 cent= what you want and hope to get.
Inferior crap is on sale because no one wants to pay for good stuff. And it keeps selling because everyone keeps buying it. Bankrupting company's who make good stuff because they can not sell and also have to lower their quality to compete.

franc123, Jun 15, 8:02am
I don't think Fram (or whatever their parent company is called) are particularly clever. You would think they would follow the strategies that other American corporations do, its better to sell mediocre products at high prices than rubbish products at low prices like they currently do. You just have to use the right marketing and convice the sheeple that nothing else will do, thats how Apple and Nike etc work and have done so for decades. Apple don't have customers, they make sure they convert them into addicts through associations with particular images and lifestyles.

tygertung, Jun 15, 8:53am
Yeah, but they look really nice.

franc123, Jun 15, 9:48am
That texture paint they put on them isnt actually that useful. Its no use when it comes to removing it as you still can't grip it well enough to remove it by hand unless you are King Kong and/or like ripping skin off your palms, and the material itself stops you from installing a cup wrench which is the best tool for removing filters, especially when access isnt great. Ditto when it comes to installing the filter, the cup wrench allows you to use a 3/8" torque wrench to tighten it up which is more accurate than hand tightening. As for the colour, well it probably looks smart if your engine is Chevrolet or Holden orange, on everything else it looks a bit crap TBH.

tygertung, Jun 15, 11:11am
I always found it useful as I am not fancy enough to have those cup wrenches. Each time I put on a filter it seems to be a different size, so I would need to have a whole swathe of different cup wrenches to suit!

tygertung, Jun 15, 1:34pm
If they are no good, how come Supercheap are selling them? Everything auto and much much more.

marte, Jun 15, 2:09pm
#7 Good point, somebody doing it '0n the cheap' wont have the proper tools & could think that the grippy end stuff might be enough.
Me? After buying 4 different tools, that don't work. I bought a kit of Cup wrenches off trademe.

#8 Theres somebody who sells kits of Cup wrenches on trademe. One seller does a $1 reserve setup & while it took me many weeks, i did buy a set extra cheap at the right time.

tony9, Jun 15, 2:22pm
They also just work, and keep working.

suzgs750, Jun 15, 3:26pm
top quality filters made to top specs,made by a top company that has been around for many years. dont take any notice of the total bu-----t spread by people who must be on dark web with donald tr--p

tygertung, Jun 15, 3:56pm
I only change an oil filter at the most, once a year, so I'm not going to buy a set of oil filter wrenches just for that.