Gas station forecourt morons.

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m16d, Aug 11, 12:09pm
Rocked into Caltex today and plonked my 2 Yamaha outboard tanks on the ground ready to fill up.
This moron with a Caltex hi vis on comes over and says "your not allowed to put petrol in plastic containers".
I said, they're Yamaha petrol tanks.
Not allowed.
So I went next door to GAS and filled them up.

gusthe1, Aug 11, 12:31pm
Waits for the share market to crash and financial markets to take a dive .

apollo11, Aug 11, 12:36pm
What the hell? I don't have a petrol container that isn't plastic (well I do have an army 20l jerry can, but I don't use it for petrol). You just have to make sure the can stays on the ground apparently.

poppy62, Aug 11, 2:31pm
The morons boss neglected to tell said moron that the “no fill” plastic containers relates to milk /juice containers. Then again the morons boss may just be another moron.

marte, Aug 11, 3:25pm
They wouldn't let me fill my 1 litre plastic bottle, even though when I bought it, it was full of Petroleum ether.
It's not the sort like what you buy Methylated spirits in at the supermarket. It's the white plastic sort with a thick plastic cap & seperate O ring seal.
For my lawnmower fuel.

I used my proper 5 litre container after that, just put 1 litre of petrol in it.

car__parts, Aug 11, 3:58pm
Most of the vehicles that fill up there have plastic tanks.

tony9, Aug 11, 4:00pm
And the fuel will be in a big plastic tank in the ground.

s_nz, Aug 11, 4:39pm
This is fair enough. Most of the calibration on petrol dispensers is only valid for deliveries over 2L.

In addition, While your petroleum either container is no doubt chemically companionable with petrol, The rules require that non-approved or incorrectly labeled containers not be used.

sr2, Aug 11, 5:56pm
Reminds me of a time some three decades ago when my band was doing a "Major South Island Tour" - i.e. playing in all the run-down dives!
Our weapon of choice (or was that desperation) at the time was a clapped out, rust bucket, long wheel base, high roof, LPG powered, way past it's use-buy date, L300 with no WOF, rego, lpg cert, heater and windscreen wipers.

The only way to get an illegal LPB refill was to have the band and hangers on/groupies descend in mass to detract the forecourt attendants while we filled our LPG tank!

Good times.

bumfacingdown, Aug 11, 6:37pm
You found someone on the forecourt!

amasser, Aug 12, 6:13am
Agree. Don't attack the messenger - at least he/she can follow instructions. It is possible that they sell plastic fuel containers so an employee might point that out to the manager but management usually "knows best".

intrade, Aug 12, 6:35am
and. the zombi virus is back also. i wonder if we get looting next.

scuba, Aug 12, 12:14pm
you really need to stop watching those late night movies bro. and CNN

kazbanz, Aug 12, 12:27pm
I'd probably have pointed them to the 10 cars on the forecourt and pointed out they all have plastic fuel tanks

casper35, Aug 13, 12:57pm
They dont pay them for there brains.

skiff1, Aug 13, 12:58pm

nice_lady, Aug 13, 1:58pm

sr2, Aug 13, 2:18pm
1st problem is they pay them the bare minimum they can get away with.

2nd problem is us lot basing our purchasing decisions entirely on price and then complaining about the "service".

-Don't get me wrong, I'm as guilty as the rest!

gph1961, Aug 13, 2:28pm
me two

sr2, Aug 13, 2:34pm
Sorry, you meant to say "their" not "there"?

I blame the education system and a reliance on spellcheck.

amasser, Aug 14, 2:47am
Management or staff?

gyrogearloose, Aug 14, 3:39am
Reminds me of the time decades ago when I stopped by my brothers house and he was making a brick BBQ setup fueled by an LPG tank he'd got from a wrecked car. I asked him how he planned to refuel it and his plan was to put the tank in the back seat, didn't think their would be any problem.

harm_less, Aug 14, 5:28am

apollo11, Aug 14, 5:50am
You're going to have lots of fun critiquing intrade's posts.

harm_less, Aug 14, 6:49am
I've long since given up reading those word salads. Life is too short for deciphering gibberish.