all of them do,some declare it, others include it. you can take them yourself for disposal if you want.
Nov 4, 9:44am
Not if travelling as Hubby does between 30-40 and sometimes up to 90Km per day just to and from work, (99% country highway driving). Cheap ? Save a few dollars and buy tyres which don't hold the road as well as some others.
Nov 4, 12:11pm
As somebody who has taken this approach in the past, I recommend against it. No amount of balancing & alignment will resolve the out of round issue my cheap ex-china tires had.
Also cheap tires give up a heap of traction, especially in the wet. Difference was massive in my corolla when I swapped out economy tires for performance touring tires.
Tires have a significant impact on the handling & breaking performance of a car, so have a big impact on the safety of the vehicle.
Most major brands make a reasonable long life tire for those who want to keep tire cost per Km down.
Oct 28, 8:02am
Put a set of tyres on my SUV recently. Used Beaurepairs. Being the trusting soul I am, next morning checked pressures and wheel nut torque. Torque was perfect and pressures within a pound. Well done Beaurepairs. Previously I've had pressures all over the place and grossly overtightened wheel nuts.
As to tyre choice, always have trouble with my wife, justifying the price of premium tyres. She drives fast and tailgates. I ask her if she wants to stop 15 cm from the car in front that brakes suddenly or 15 cm up its bum. Usually settles the argument and she drives on premium tyres.
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