AA Insurance - good buggers.

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hutchk, Sep 6, 8:57pm
Deafening silence from aj737.

alliancebroker, Sep 6, 9:13pm
Share Parcels

97,333,620 shares on the register:
???68.00% (66,186,860 shares) owned by
???32.00% (31,146,760 shares) owned by

aa_insurance, Sep 6, 9:53pm
Hi, Suzanne Wolton here, Head of Corporate Affairs for AA Insurance.We're happy to discuss anything concerning collision repairers ??

cathair, Sep 6, 11:58pm
Since aj737 is playing the silent game can you answer my question Suzanne!

So by guaranteeing the repair for the life of the vehicle yourselves does that mean 6 years down the track and the repair fails in someway do you tell the customer to go back to the panel shop and get them too sort it at the shops expense or do you pay the panel shop to remedy the problem!

purple666, Sep 7, 12:13am
I for one reject your explanation as it isn't anywhere as entertaining as marcos1 or lookoutas.

cherilyn007, Sep 7, 12:33am
wow lucky for some my car got stolen and recovered about 6 weeks ago now and aa are apparrantly still waiting for photos of it O.o

lookoutas, Sep 7, 1:42am
Good of you to alleviate aj from the firing line Suzanne.

For one - marcos hasn't confirmed anything other than calling me a "Smarty" for knowing more than he did/does now, and making a funny noise instead of putting his neck into a certain noose.

I give AA credit for being able to sort out where certain parties work, so marcos is rightfully keeping mum. With only 3 panel shops (2 main ones) in my location, it wouldn't be too hard to track me down.
Is this why my boss has received 3 queries from 3 different AA staff members over the last 3 days, asking for details of a certain job before payment can be authorized!
Just being awkward I call it, as they now have 3 accounts for the same job when the first one was emailed to the right place at the start. Then just before 5 tonight, I answered another phone query about another account.
Now you might think this is trivial, but every time an account is queried, payment is put off until it's sorted. Multiply this by a national number! and you have the method behind the madness.

I did think of getting a copy of the levy letter and posting it, but I can't really be bothered. I know the levy exists, and so do others now. If the levy doesn't exist then we want to become approved AA repairers and put a flash big sign on the front of our workshop alongside the signs from all the other Insurance Co's.
So I expect we will see someone very soon,

One of the State boffins paid us an inspection yesterday. (Not that I actually like that carry on either) Especially when he parked his car in the way. (I hope he heard what I had to say about that as i was maneuvering a car out)
Funny thing - I was in the office as he pulled up, and I was told in no uncertain terms that I wasn't allowed to talk to him.

aa_insurance, Sep 7, 3:21pm
I guess it depends on what the repair failure was as to exactly how we??

phalanax, Sep 7, 3:33pm
Had contact from AA and my issue has been sorted.Im gonna give them another go.Maybe.we got off on the wrong foot.

marte, Sep 7, 10:53pm
Ok. You are driving up to a red light.
Theres two lanes.
The left lane has a left turn arrow along with a straight ahead arrow.
The right hand lane has a right turn arrow along with a straight ahead arrow.
Which lane do you choose!

And remember, you don't know that theres only one lane on the other end of the intersection.
That means that you must merge somewhere if theres two cars, one in each lane.
And you cannot merge while driving thru the intersection.or overtake another car either.

Whats the answer!

Now, try it out with different scenarios.
Theres someone in the right lane, indicating right, or not.
Theres someone in the left lane, indicating left or not.
They are moving, or not.

lookoutas, Sep 8, 12:21am
What planet is this on!

lookoutas, Sep 9, 4:33pm
AA hoping this has died!

I find it atrocious that AA personnel can post on here that the $1500 levy doesn't exist, when in fact it does.

I would hope they have been mislead.

marte, Sep 14, 9:54pm

fryan1962, Sep 14, 10:31pm
I am with AMP they were good no hassle,So guy backed into me when I was stationary, I got warranty from vero which I found strange

quickstitch, Oct 26, 3:52pm
i used AA insurance last year. AA bookvalue at $13000, but i did agreed value of $8000. As i only paid $5500 for it (got a bargain). No claims and when renewal came, car devalued to $6500 and premiums gone up nearly two hundred. Shopped around and got alot better quote.