probably just easier to find one already registered.
Sep 21, 6:59am
But money is a factor, think it would be a shame for it not to be on the road, by the looks of it it has the dccd centre diff aswell. notice the greeny lol
Sep 21, 7:00am
it would need to be re-vinned by VIN testing station at jipco road in ch-ch costing aound $362 for plates and 6mths rego plus they need to go over it with a fine-tooth-comb to make sure it has got no defects in it which could cost upto $1500 so why not just buy it and use it for club days or cage it for rally sport.
Sep 21, 7:03am
So are you saying that it ''could be'' complied robo!
Sep 21, 7:14am
I have just seen the advert and looked at the photo's and it's best to ask a LTNZ officer at jipco road.,is that green spot in the front window a "defective-vehicle" label as i thought they were only used for registered vehicles that had been illegally modified (I.E. cut springs) also just for peice of mind i would suggest that you ask the trader for proof of paperwork and get a police check done on it just to make sure is has not been in a "chop-shop" or been listed stolen or listed as a (V.O.I.) vehicle of interest .(my uncle's been in a simular situation and almost got stung)
Sep 21, 7:29am
no i'm not saying it "could be" but merely giving you advise based on the info you give me. sooo do your home work first and don't make a wrong calll by possibly getting stung as $3500 is alot of mony and you could buy a reg'd cheapy and modify it to you own liking. but it's totally upto you
Sep 21, 7:31am
I think you will find that it is too old to comply with the emissions standards. It would have to meet Japan 00/02 if it was certified this year, and that requirementincreases to Japan 05 next year - the numbers are essentially the years the standards started to be implemented.
So on the face of it, no, it is in the area where it is too old to meet the standards but not old enough that it doesn't need to meet the standards.
Sep 21, 1:58pm
as above said. plus if you read the text " chassis number is outdated for New Zealand registration." So I would say there is no wayit can beput on the road.
Sep 21, 2:28pm
buy it then wait until 2018 and then it'll be fine to rego under the 20 year old clause:)
Sep 21, 2:28pm
better off buying a bare shell thats been registered etc and changing everything over as with compliance its exhhaust standards and frontal impact standards will be be reassessed and will require new brakes / seatbelts etc.this sort of car will most likley end up as parts or be made into a competion rally /track car otherwise.
Sep 21, 3:07pm
Hence the seller saying it would make a good track car.I think it's fair assumption that whoever paid to bring this into the country would already have looked at the registration possibilities.
Sep 21, 4:46pm
Green sticker does not mean defective vehicle necessarily.can be used on cars with a rego or wof that is so old (eg 1year or more) and also for deregd cars or non-complied eg this Subbie. Green can also be for illegal tints, decals, noisy exhaust etc cos they are not dangerous but illegal. Pink sticker is for unsafe eg cut or removed springs, baled tyres, uncertd mods, etc. Quite a difference between the two. This is reply to #6.
Sep 22, 2:28am
Thanks for all your interesting reply's guys, makes sense not to bid anymore, thanks again:)
Sep 22, 3:10am
vehicle will never go on the road, even when over 20 years old as will still have to meet emissions regulation. you have to apply for the vehicle of interest whilst the vehicle is out of the country you then have 6 months to ship the vehicle here and comply it. Subaru impreza even in2 door are rare but would think not rare enough to get on the exemption. forget it never (legally) to go on the road. the green sticker on the window will be from the MAF inspection.
Sep 23, 12:33am
vehicle of interest is a form u get filled out by the police saying is not of interest to them ie not stolen !
Sep 23, 1:26am
people are meaning to say "Special Interest Vehicle"
Sep 23, 1:59am
Hijacka--the greenie is a MAF tag from being imported.Ie from the steam cleaning processpan so its NOT a matter of heading on down and "reregistering" it as has been suggested above. Given the chopped legacy in one of the pictures I'd say this vehicle was recently imported by a dismantler. Given the way the advert is phrased IMO it may not even have dereg papers from Japan -(ithout those even when its 20 years old it can't be rego'd here.) It woul;d make a FANTASTICtrack car and if it has a dereg hey it might be able to be rego'd here
Sep 23, 2:40am
Also one of the down fall of having a rare 2 door as a club car, is spare body parts might be hard to find. You will be better to put allthe running into a common 4dr. If you have one already registered, allit will need is a cert.If youcould do most of the work yourself, a rough guess about $8g if you don't already have a Sub or about $5g($4g for car+$1g for fitting/cert) if you own one already.
Sep 23, 2:42am
Btw.If the running gearis nothing special whybother.
Sep 23, 3:19am
Id be concerned over any car that has a pic of a half car in it as well lol.
Sep 24, 8:33am
Thanks for the explanation there kaz, Bopb thats a good point and was only bidding on parts value really ie: dccd gear box and controller($1200) (engine and loom $2300)good point thou nothing that special.I managed to scored a cheap 98 V3 STI wagon the other day done 170kms *takes a deep breath and says.*.its dereg blown headgasket and heater core leaking smashed rear window, and the interior smells like wet dog,burrrr neglected would be a understatement but it does run well and very fast off the mark just over heats after awhile and pressurizes the cooling system, is running factory vf23 turbo and will have forged pistons shim under bucket headsto go with it the gearbox and running gears mint. Has 17'' Advan RG wheels with good tires 4pot front brakes is also limited edition Blue sti #167/555 and payed sweet bugger all for it so im going to fix it up revin when i get the time, just another one to add to the yard without telling the misses teheheGunhand that did worry me too haha.
Nov 13, 6:40am
There is a way to et them regod, but there are quite a few hoops to jump through. bascically, if the car is built up as a rally car, it can be registered on the road. Obviuosly it needs to have cage, seats, harnesses etc. Then it needs to a special authority card issued from Motorsport NZ issued to it, then it can be registered. But I would talk to them first before buying, as there are a lot more details to it than that, I'm sure! And of course, it limits the cars usability as well, as all the stuff that makes racing fun makes the car a real pain in day to day to use!
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