How much for compliance and VIN?

grizz0, May 20, 12:49am
How much does compliance and VIN cost?

tony9, May 20, 12:54am
What colour is the object to be complied and Vinned?

kazbanz, May 20, 1:02am
$400 for straight inspection to MRa
but then you have all or any repairs required too

socram, May 20, 1:06am
Although the above might be correct, depending on the vehicle, it might also need more work and/or paperwork. Any welded repairs for example may need a repair certificate. If an import, who knows?

#2 wasn't being stupid, but you may need to give more info.

grizz0, Jan 20, 12:15pm
Haven't got anything yet but I was wondering about prices. thanks for the heads up.