listed on Trademe are there for ever.Does anyone know another place one could sell such a beautiful car.My husband now has a car from work and we have not got room for it anymore.Any help would be great - I have never sold a car before.
Sep 19, 2:08am
Lovely cars but not particularly popular as a used car in NZ. Maybe list it at $1 reserve or contact one of the dealers that deals in that type of car. For example trader "tlister" in Hamilton.
Sep 19, 2:10am
Just out of interest what year is it, what kms and which engine does it have. The diesel versions seem to sell OK.
Sep 19, 2:15am
unfortunatly those cars arent very popular at all. you will be lucky to get $5-6000 for it, if you can sell it at all. i am afraid that if you really need it gone then be prepared to "take a bath" on the sale price
Sep 19, 3:27am
You could always contact the local Citroen Car Club. They have a regular newsletter that advertise citroens, cant remember the name or contact details off the top of my head, but other than here, seems like a good place to get rid of the C5
Sep 19, 3:45am
I love these cars - we had one which we borrowed from a friend to travel around and they are SO comfortable with that fancy suspension.I love Citroens and would love to get a 2cv.Good luck with your mission to sell it!
Sep 19, 3:57am
Thanks everyone - it is a 2005 and has done only 82920 kms, it is C5 2.2 HDiSX estate auto in a gorgeous ruby red. It cost the earth to buy in 2006 and has been tenderly cared for, always serviced by Bishops in Auckland here and if only we could keep it.I might try the Citroen Club, as T0ddles suggested, at least they are fanatics about this breed of car!
Nov 9, 5:56am
Citroen Car Club. Great idea. You may be able to advertise the car in their monthly newsletter.
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