Right some of you know about the citroen i wrote about when it reved its guts out with no key in ignition and 834km from new on odometer. aperantly it would now rev to high rpm and not upshift on the autobahn sticking between trucks and traffic so you cant brake hard to force it to do something . there was no code found by the friggen moron dealer in switzerland so it must be ok and the drivers fault. it seems the problem comes from the rubbish french craps transmission , i just hope they dont kill them self with that pile of shite car. thats exactly the piece of crap and what it looks like. http://www.citroen.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/euroncap-citroen-C4.jpg
Nov 17, 8:06pm
Great looking car, I'd have one without hesitation. I think you're a Jonah Intrade, didn't your bullet proof POS Corolla roll over and die of Trans problems. Seems like new or well used you're a Jinx for auto Trans.
Nov 18, 4:58pm
They have already replaced the transmissions across the range with a specifically designed japanese engineered 6 speed. On top of this they have taken out engine and car of the year. What the hell has toyota done lately except fail at styling, direct injection, market share and reliability. I had a bluebird that shat it's fuel pump and ecu in one week, does this mean all nissans are rotten. of course not. shite happens.
Nov 18, 5:06pm
forgot to mention that a certain brand had an issue with a car that had a 'sticky' accelerator that they first lied about and then had to recall the range.
Nov 18, 5:32pm
seems to be just extreemly often happening on psa crap out of 5 or so brand new cars purchased 4 had serious problems whom where nevere resolfed because the main dealers are FKN morons one of em citroens would not brake then fling you at the windscreen if you where not wearing a seatbelt. brand new cars never fixed traded in for the next pile of shite after putting up with it for 2 years or so. that brake issue i think would have been resolved on a relearn of the brake switch adjustment setting, but hey they are to dumb to even do that in there fancy citroen million doller building. i only figured that might be what caused the brake to act like they dd when i did read on a special function update of my idiag launch added function citroen info. if you google there is tons of problems with citroen and peugeot psa crap you cant be that unlucky to have purchased all this cars and all but one have had serious malfunctions from factory new. and no i cant tell the owner to get rid of it , she is 75 and thinks the internet uses the most of her power bill because they said so o tv, and she can loose waight by sleeping all day also from the tv. just missed the point that the internet they did mean the global servers not her internet use the worlds most power and that you need to exersize and then in your sleep the body burns the fat off. So i guess old age makes you skip these steps of thinking . hope its now clear why this garage is selling her more of there crap.
Nov 18, 6:01pm
Another manufacturer hid ignition issues that killed a lot of people and another has exploding fuel tanks the list goes on and on but does not make all the cars they sell crap.
Nov 18, 6:41pm
A few bad apples shouldn't taint our opinion on the whole group. Oh wait, which discussion am in in? Thought we were discussing Muslims then.
Nov 19, 1:05am
theres a reason they put PSA dealerships close to rest homes. and the mobility scooter dealer. the sales guys must jump for joy when they see a blue rinser and her pocket protector hubby stroll in.
Nov 19, 2:14am
Handling - PSA, Comfort- PSA, Economy -PSA, including Hybrids, Diesel Technology-PSA, Diesel engine life-PSA, Load space-PSA, Style-PSA, Rally pedigree-PSA, Innovation-PSA. Reliability- Toyota. Why would anyone want a car that looks great, is rust proof, handles well, looks after you at the pump, carries a large load and now with the new engine and transmission line up addresses all issues above. The Peugeot TU series engine was under the bonnet of Mini cars of years and people love em. If you want to pay more for Toyotas supposed [and diminishing] reliability. I have had a 205gti, 106gti, 309gti, Saxo 1.6i, 306 HDi and now a 206 Xr manual. All have been great cars, so by all means pay $3-4k more for the same year/model equivalent Toyawna, I'll put that money aside for repairs if I need them. Yes some PSA cars have been bad but at least they've never made anything as ugly as a Funcargo or as terminally awful to drive as an Echo.
Nov 19, 2:17am
On launch, the EB Turbo PureTech engine will have been subjected to stringent testing, with over 25,000 hours on test benches and more than 1.6 million kilometres of road tests. Hashtag-reliable
Nov 19, 2:18am
Well I'm mostly with you, had a few psa cars and been great, and reliable. But the last statement. what about the first C5 or the berlingo? Awful looking things surely.
Nov 19, 2:25am
Once you have sat in an echo and tried to drive it on a b-road, come back to me. If you didn't fall off the road or die of boredom. Berlingo is at least honest about being a commercial van, the unfuncargo is an echo with a tumor.
Nov 19, 3:19am
Ahem, what Toyota have been doing is providing what most of the world wants without keeping roadside service providers too busy, the figures don't lie.
Note that the allegedly vastly superior PSA product is outsold over three to one.
Might pay to lay off sucking the sour bonbons for a while and accept reality methinks.
Nov 19, 3:27am
The Beatles sold less records than the Spice girls.
Nov 19, 2:18pm
Well i am a reasenable guy these citroens where all brand spanking new they all but 1 had severe never repaired issues like soinding like a 1940s tractor till warm was the gutless heap of crap sounded like of a C2 i think it was well you can live with that but you cant live with a heap whom flings you to the windscreen , or self accelerates or revs its nuts out or jumps 1 to 2 meters on its own at a stop sign out of no where. So i recone something is wrong with the controll of the transmission to engine , but hey there is no codes must be all just imaginary . i have freeze frame data from the first insidence when i drove the pile of doog turd. Dont get me wrong when it dont plays up then its a nice car to drive , but i am not religues and pray it wont do it again, that dont work for me .
Nov 19, 2:43pm
i cant find the good immage of the freez frame where it said 7800rpm and ignition circuit off, that was true i had the key out of the ignition while it was still reving its nuts off when it had 834km on the odometer from factory new this is the code it had set in freeze frame U1807 81 BSI control unit code unknowen was printed. so the morons in germany with there citroen tool just shrug the shoulder we dont know it seems fine again now was what i was told.
Nov 19, 2:52pm
Sounds emotional. Maybe don't drive that one, could be like the haunted Capri of youtube fame.
Nov 19, 4:30pm
just found this site with google stand on one leg hold your eyes shut open one eye tutch your nose , chough 3 times . etc to fix your french pile of crap.
Wipers stopped working? Central locking gone mad? Windows stopped working? Indicators and lights doing their own thing?
front hub chewed out by wheel bearing? , aux shaft failed?, D4 engine clogged up?, head cracked on 2L?, 3vz v6 blown a head gasket?, super strut suspension not so super?, headlights faded by sunlight [note sun comes up most days]?. call intrude, he'll tell you nothing ever goes wrong.
Nov 19, 5:42pm
are you trying to suggest the sales numbers are because of reliability?
Nov 19, 6:02pm
its all crap just have to try and find something that is less crap. its why i got a sandero dacia in 2010 because if it aint got it it aint going to fail if you apply simple logic.
Nov 19, 6:08pm
agreed, latest purchase, 2004 1.4 8v, 5 speed manual, drum brakes, wind up rear windows, manual wipers. room under the bonnet and parts in every 2nd backyard.
Nov 19, 6:46pm
#21- For god's sake don't even think of buying a BMW 3 Series then.
Nov 20, 4:32pm
or a new MINI, good god, nightmare on spanner street
Sep 29, 11:27am
the new mini is a bmw pile of scrap anyhow
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