3rd Brake lights

mileyfan73, Sep 18, 9:35pm
So the lens is broken in the LED Brake light mounted in my boot spoiler.Cannot find a new one the same size anywhere so am thinking pull it out and get a panel shop to bog it over and paint it!Am just wondering if there are any WOF regulations that say you HAVE to have a light in your spoiler!I have a high-stop light in the rear window so that should be enough but panel shop guy said no if have boot spoiler it has to have a brake light in it.

richard198, Sep 18, 10:05pm
Not true. Plenty of spoilers around without brake lights in them.
Centre high brake lights just have to be clearly visible.

crzyhrse, Sep 18, 10:35pm
No requirement to have one in the boot spoiler. But if fitted, it must work.

pauldw, Sep 18, 11:16pm
Not if the one in the window is visible and works.

"Mandatory lamp ??

richard198, Nov 8, 7:16am
Sack your panel beater!