Terry Serepisos's new car for $5k Advice Please

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cjohnw, Sep 26, 9:14pm
That's a bad stutter you have there elect70 .

ralphdog1, Sep 27, 4:35am
Are his legs broken.or is that in the future.!

ml6989, Sep 27, 4:38am
You don't have to be on the pension to use a mobility scooter. He could dress one up with flags and some bits of chrome and still look really cool. I mean there is an image at stake here!

michael.benn, Sep 27, 4:49am
He should get a Toyota Cavalier ^^

rob_rooster, Sep 27, 5:50am
A toyota corolla and a trailer for carrying round his enormous ego!

lovemore_mbigi, Sep 27, 1:00pm
You should tell that sob story to his contractors.

On ya bike Terry!

klrider, Sep 27, 1:49pm
What a load of rubbish, he was generous with other peoples money, including yours and mine (assuming you pay tax) and Wellington ratepayers and subbies he never paid. He has made no contribution to NZ at all.

slarty45, Sep 27, 1:59pm
Hubbards VW beetle

fryan1962, Sep 27, 2:57pm
damm I was going to say beetle.car of the people now he is one of us again

bellky, Sep 27, 5:14pm
he'll have to pull up his socks to be one of us lol

bigjerry, Sep 27, 7:35pm
Yeah exactly. There is a lot of 'tall poppy syndrome' around this guy. blatant.

richardmayes, Sep 27, 7:38pm
Make sure you get cash up front if you're selling him a car.

next-to-normal, Sep 27, 9:09pm
a lada samara would do

paull, Sep 27, 9:35pm
a fiat multipla,hahahahahah now that would be funny

dr.doolittle, Sep 27, 9:38pm
Na, he'll just drive around in his 'wife's' / 'Partners' $100k BMW or Merc.
Thats what they all do.

shelleigh, Sep 27, 10:22pm
Snap - that's what my link at #18 is lol

mugenb20b, Sep 28, 12:35am
250cc motorbikes!

kecal, Sep 28, 12:43am
he wont have to cause his wife most proberly owns them and she dosnt have to sell a thing. so

klrider, Sep 28, 12:47am
Nothing tall poppy about it, he is a man who lived off other peoples generosity, mainly the taxpayer and ratepayer. Thats why he is a dick. Compare him to people like Sam Morgan!Goes to show you can have money and not be an a hole, Terry was not it.

kecal, Sep 28, 12:57am
T Serepisosasset rich!

S Morgancash rich!

patiki1, Sep 28, 1:42am
He needs a $5000 holden commodore,just as fast as his Ferrari and Lamborghini.

flagheaven, Sep 28, 5:39am
Unfortunately , like all property developers .they are ONLY as good as their "last deal"

shelleigh, Sep 28, 3:19pm
No it was a Fiat Multipla - but I just clicked on the link and it's disappeared!

shelleigh, Sep 28, 3:24pm
Bigjerry I don't see it as tall poppy syndrome when the money used belonged to other people and now the man is bankrupt.
This happens far too often and I honestly do not understand why people are able to borrow such ridiculous amounts of money. Especially when it means others don't get what they have lent back.
I'm all for people getting ahead - but with their own money and financial savvy. NOT using other people's money and so often losing it.

roberto9, Sep 28, 7:46pm
I'm all for people getting ahead too. Know any one with a mortgage or a car on HP. have a quick look around and see how many mortgagee sales are happening at the moment.
In Terry's case it's simply a matter of scale.