Terry Serepisos's new car for $5k Advice Please

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gougoodthing2, Sep 26, 6:10pm
As someone who is use todriving a Ferrari and a Lamborghini what car should he get for $5000 or less as a bankrupt!

steampunkwilly, Sep 26, 6:16pm
Who'd want to give advise to that tosser!

bitsy_boffin, Sep 26, 6:18pm
I'd say MX5 but I don't think Serepiso bought the Ferrari and Lambo as drivers cars, so might not suit him.

purplecar, Sep 26, 6:19pm
You know the guy has done a lot for Wellington, a lot for soccer in Wellington and NZ. Clearly he's been pretty generous. I'm sorry to see him in the position he is now and wish him well for the future. We need more people with passion like him. I hope to heck the cars are in a family trust. I appreciate the contribution he's made to NZ.

And I'm in Auckland.

bellky, Sep 26, 6:22pm
what contribution! ripping them (us) off! you must be joking!

bellky, Sep 26, 6:25pm
or maybe you just don't know much about things.

crzyhrse, Sep 26, 6:26pm
Certainly not you, since you can't even spell advice.

bellky, Sep 26, 6:34pm
i'd tell him to boil his head

richardmayes, Sep 26, 6:49pm
V6 Commodore. They go faster than Ferraris and Lambos after all.

pauldw, Sep 26, 6:53pm
He'll need something anonymous that's easy to get paint off the upholstery.

As for his football team, it was all done with money owed to other people. He should stop say "I did on my own" until his debts clear.

bellky, Sep 26, 6:56pm
good call

craig04, Sep 26, 7:03pm
"Underestimate the L67 at your peril"

peejeles, Sep 26, 7:04pm
dead right there.

kdcentralni, Sep 26, 7:13pm
Series 2a landrover, they are use to being burried in shit.

cjohnw, Sep 26, 7:19pm
I would guess the assignee won't let him spend anything like 5 grand. He'll be on the bus now!

trdbzr, Sep 26, 7:20pm
Pffftt even the Veyron has nothing on the V6 Commodore

eagles9999, Sep 26, 7:24pm
My 1999 Alfa 156 is only slightly more than $5000 .maybe I can trade him one of his suits as well

mk3zephyr, Sep 26, 7:28pm
give him a Lada

warthogs1, Sep 26, 7:31pm
This guy owes you and me about 20+ million via South Canterbury Finance-(which is owned by you and me the taxpayer). Still feeling generous!

shelleigh, Sep 26, 7:50pm
Piggy I just don't understand why people are able to get in to so much debt in the first place - it's senseless.
No point being generous when it's not your money to be generous with!

richard198, Sep 26, 7:53pm
He probably doesn't have a licence to drive.
The Ferrari and Lambo were status symbols for him.

hounddog2, Sep 26, 8:52pm
Just saying he never drives his "supercars" I know he only drives his baby blue BMW x5 ( I know still worth more than 5 k )

elect70, Sep 26, 8:57pm
You wont see him"owning" FA& wont see him in some paltry$5g car either . money will come from relative who will "own' iton paper . these guys always have$spirited away over the years in different peoples accounts .

elect70, Sep 26, 9:08pm
You wont see him"owning" FA& wont see him in some paltry$5g car either . money will come from relative who will "own' iton paper . these guys always have$spirited away over the years

warthogs1, Sep 26, 9:10pm
I hear an echo.