Is it all over for Hamilton

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socram, Oct 1, 1:51am
If you boycott it, who exactly are you protesting against!
Auckland's advantage is that they have the spectator numbers who do not require accommodation.

easygoer, Oct 1, 2:01am
I want to see Oz V8s lose out on any chance of a return, they are the only winners in the whole affair at the expense of us (the ratepayers) and the original promoters.
I think the ratepayers will deal to the current Mayor at the next election. She openly stated she was opposed to the V8s and has now handed over 9 million dollars of equipment in the deal

mokaubach, Oct 1, 3:05am
God help us if it goes to Auckland, it will be a $hit fighting session with all the greenies, sickly liberals and tree hugging hippies, not to mention the snobs in council guts aching. This will be one disaster after another.

muffycaz, Oct 1, 11:07pm
See you at Whenuapai - that is the most likely next venue

elect70, Oct 1, 11:16pm
They have offers from other venues in asia for itwith big $$ .Just using NZlowerreturns as an excuse toshift itelsewhere .I agree dont support it.No council will in NZ will pick it up , to costly.

bopbargains, Oct 1, 11:38pm
Ithinknot.All they need is a 3.5k track!. I wishit was that simple.

franc123, Oct 1, 11:41pm
As I said way back in post #6, its all been looked at before and hit a brick wall.

mokaubach, Oct 2, 1:25am
What a joke, and what infrastructure has it got!.

mopsy3, Oct 2, 6:22pm
thank you rug_nz, it is also widely rumoured that HD is about to be or has been put into receivership.

elect70, Oct 2, 6:56pm
^^^ jeez hope notbig things planned for this seasonbut their web sitehas been down for while & no news from them since August. The apartments were selling well& were carefull not to rush in & do everything at onceto the track venue ,-worrying .

rob_man, Oct 2, 7:12pm
None really, the last Wings & Wheels I went to it was pretty hard to see anything of the racing.

socram, Oct 2, 7:41pm
We certainly haven't heard anything.I just hope you are wrong but it is no secret that finances have always been tough, and as stated earlier, no thanks to the government of the day (Labour) who cost the developers millions.The developers were never compensated even though they won the case.

The least this government could do is throw a few dollars HD's way, but as a privately owned enterprise, I don't see it happening, even though the circuit already brings in a fair few overseas dollars from their January Festivals(Mclaren, Amon and in 2012, BMW, 2013, Hulme).
They would bring even more in if the circuit was finished (Superbikes for example, plus a couple of Asian Touring Car events already on the cards).

Rumours will always aboundand no doubt the developers will want to sell it on at some stage.I have heard a rumour of one entrepeneur with an interest in motorsport who has either been sniffing or is a future possibility.

hamishcookie, Oct 2, 10:32pm
I think they wanted to move it to later in the year also which would have required all the RMA crap with Hamilton again, I read somewhere about them being able to save a heap if they could ship the cars as opposed to air freighting them due to the other races being so close.

mokaubach, Dec 4, 11:09am
I went to both the McLaren & Amon meets and will be at the BMW one too. They were great, some of the best and friendliest racing I've been to and a credit to the HD team. Its a no brainer that any spare motor racing $$$ should be chaneled into HD so we have a proper NZ track capable of luring international events.