Well surmised, having run both petrol and diesel vehicles for many years I couldn't agree more.
Oct 2, 9:56pm
Don't forget to take into concideration the purchace price. Usualy a diesel powered will cost a lot more than the equivelent petrol powered vehicle and if you are using it just for towing and not doing a lot of mileage and have another run around car then the fuel consumption will not make a significant difference.
Oct 2, 10:09pm
Crap idea, Try towing a full float out of a paddock with a 2wd car if its a bit wet or muddy and see what happens. Try jumping on the brakes with a full float in an emergancy stop with a car and see what happens. We use a 80 series cruiser for the weight to tow our float as it will stop in a hurry and not get pushed off the road like a car would. And yes its diesel which is far better for the job than petrol.
Oct 2, 10:13pm
yes i agree - we have a petrol disco which is very reliable/safe/sturdy when towing - sucks the gas though, but doesn't stink.
Oct 2, 11:03pm
Perhaps you should have your nose checked!
Oct 2, 11:05pm
lol - must be supersensitive
Oct 2, 11:18pm
yea, but when you go to sell it you will get more. Swings and roundabouts.
Oct 3, 12:43am
diesel air filter, fuel filter, oil filter, oil
petrol as above plus plugs ,rotor,leads,dist cap perhaps depending on vehicle,
Oct 3, 12:44am
I had a v8 discovery in oz where I could afford to runit
Oct 3, 1:53am
Diesels dont rust out exhaust systems.
Oct 3, 1:55am
Oh, yes they do.
Dec 6, 12:47pm
I was recently looking at buying cheap 2wd utes, petrols and diesels. Although, I much prefer diesel vehicles, it simply wasn't worth it. I don't think I would do more than 5000 kms a year. I bought an old petrol Ford Courier. A set of points and spark plugs cost me $20. Oil and filter $25 (the rest of the servicable items were still good). No RUC to pay and cheaper licencing (a difference of nearly $300).
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