Check engine light. How do you turn off the check engine light for a toyota lucidaprevia have just fixed the engine and the ligh
Oct 2, 7:21am
how do you turn off the check engine light for a toyota lucida,previa have just fixed the engine and the light wont go away does anyone know how to get rid of it. !
Oct 2, 7:24am
Cut the wire. Out of curiosity, what have you just done to fix the motor! Changed the wobbulation relay!
Oct 2, 7:26am
Or if you can't get at the wire, put a smal square of black tape over it.
Oct 2, 7:26am
Um yeah well um! The um &**check engine** light actually doesn't come on when ya need to change the whole engine. it just means ya connect a coupla wires together and read the code it flashes at ya and then replace the faulty sender unit that brought the light on- weird aye
Oct 2, 7:26am
Petrol or diesel!
Oct 2, 7:27am
the wobbulation relay mmm yeah um.
Oct 2, 7:33am
erm, what did this engine "fix" involve!
Oct 2, 7:33am
Oct 2, 7:48am
droping the engine out, cleaning it and changing gaskets.
Oct 2, 7:49am
And was this light on before you took the engine out, or did it only come on afterwards!Check engine lights only come on when the engine management computer has detected a fault in one of the circuits of the various bits and pieces it controls and receives information from.It doesn't care if the engine has been leaking!If it only happened afterwards you've probably left something unplugged.
Oct 2, 7:49am
most likely a sensor left unplugged - if it came on afterwards
Oct 2, 7:56am
Its only came on afterwards, it goes off but comes back on.
Oct 2, 7:58am
You need to double check that everything you touched is plugged in properly, getting whatever fault codes it has spat up read out of it will help ID whats causing the problem.Sometimes after the affected circuit has been repaired the code needs to be manually deleted before the light goes off permanently, or should I say after the engine starts it should go off.
Oct 2, 8:59am
Find the little grey box with diagnosis written on it .open it and bridge the terminals marked Te1 to E1 and turn on the ignition. this will bring up any codes stored in the ecu. The light will flash a set number of times . ie 3 flashes then 1 flash thats code 31 then a gap and it either brings up another code or the same one. look up the codes on the internet or phone up your local toyota dealer and ask.
Dec 5, 2:49pm
fixed no was water temp sensor broken thnks all
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