So my car's yellow 'check engine' light came up on
Apr 13, 9:13pm
Is it a blue Ford or a white Ford!
Apr 13, 9:14pm
Apr 13, 9:15pm
Ford would have been the first person I would have gone to. The light will be on because the computer would have logged a fault. That fault can be retrieved by ford very easily and can sometimes be retrieved by other means too (someone may know the 'code'
Ford are the best option but remember that it will only help lead to the problem and may not be very specific in what the problem is. The newer the car generally the better the car's self diagnostics are.
Apr 13, 9:36pm
No, its a green Honda.
Apr 13, 9:48pm
What a dumb answer.
Apr 13, 10:11pm
You should check your engine.
Apr 13, 10:27pm
Ill think you'll find its a question
Apr 13, 10:29pm
Don't worry about the yellow one. Start to panic when the blue one comes on.
Apr 13, 10:42pm
you could try and ask what the fault was that caused it to come on. then take it back if its the same fault then ask them y you were charged $300 for the light to come back on. the light is specific to a specific fault that will be recorded by the ecu there is thousands of difernt reasons y it could come on
Apr 13, 10:45pm
so they ran a diagnostic and came up with nothing! sack the AA, the check engine light logs a fault which the diagnostic picks up, thats the whole idea, if they cant confirm the fault they shoudnt be charging a cent as their diagnostic is crap
Apr 13, 11:01pm
Are you really as thick as you portray yourself on here!
Apr 13, 11:59pm
Why are you reposting that!
Apr 14, 9:44am
Now that's professionalism !
Apr 14, 2:48pm
first thing to do is check the coolant level, oil level and power steering fluid level. if they are low top them up. if not that come back and answer mellisa2000's questions
Apr 14, 2:59pm
so you say the moron electrition just cleared the light and handed you the car back for 300$!the light is on because it stored a fault code that can be read with the correct gear and the problem fixed and then the light wont come back on. I sure as hell would demand my 300$ back if they just cleared the fault from the memmory.
Oct 30, 10:51am
had the same issue,turns out the catalytic converter had it still running ok,any loss of power etc.
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