Hey all.What would you expect to pay for having your largely undamaged car (wheels down) winched from a ditch (easy access, takes 5 min) and then towed 5 minutes to a panel shop.All up 15 minutes of time needed, plus 5 minutes for the truck to get there.
Oct 4, 5:39pm
Around $120 I would say.
Oct 4, 5:39pm
Upto $200!
Oct 4, 5:59pm
I paid $90 to have a disabled vehicle towed across Auckland on a flat bed that I insisted on (RWD auto broken down on the motorway) about 6 years ago.
Oct 4, 6:07pm
Well how much did you pay! Guess that you don't have insurance!
Oct 4, 6:38pm
Have full insurance but decided not to claim as damage was so minor I just paid cash to have it tarted up.
Towie has billed us $260+GST which works out at $1196 per hour.I am leaning towards the idea that that is the kind of outrageous nonsense they would charge an insurance company, rather than a private tow.To me they are just taking the piss.
I used the same company a week beforehand to do a very similar tow, although the car was simply broken down as opposed to being in a ditch and it cost $70.
I'd copy that - and send a cheque for $120 as full and final payment
Dec 9, 3:45am
It appears you have been charged for salvage AND towing.
Good luck in getting the price reduced.
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