Drove into the garage today after a shortish trip and for some time the hissing sound, almost like air coming out of the hole was heard. Sound was coming from under the car at the back, but I could not find where it was coming from. Checked the tyres, because it sounded like tyre deflating through puncture, but everything was fine and tyres didn't have any problems. What can it be! TIA.
Oct 5, 6:56am
the intake does make that sound if there is a inlet leak, unless you have seen drastic performance of fuel ecconomy changes, i wouldnt worry about it
Oct 5, 7:01am
I am not sure about any changes yet, as the sound started after I drove in and switched the engine off. It was just sssshhhhh for about an hour, then it stopped. Will watch for any changes when I take it out tomorrow. The whole thing got me sad, I love my car.
Oct 5, 7:02am
'air coming out of the hole'! LOL. Which hole is 'the' hole!
Oct 5, 7:07am
Hahaha, it sounded like a tyre had a hole and was getting deflated, just trying to describe the sound!
Oct 5, 8:09am
was the car running during the noise! Charcoal canisters make funny noises every now and then when the car is off
Oct 5, 1:33pm
Probably the fuel tank - closed fuel systems pressurise the tank and they leak at the fiiller cap - sometimes whistle or whine quietly - can be heard when engine stops - undo cap and it goes away!
Oct 5, 3:40pm
Read post 3
Oct 5, 7:59pm
The sound came from the side opposite to the tank - the driver side towards the back. Opened the engine bay - not coming from there, rather towards the bottom at the back. Still don't know the source. Was driving today - didn't notice anything unusual, no odd clanking or knocking of any kind, just the usual MR2 rattle. Started fine and went as usual. Not sure about fuel consumption yet, as it was only a short trip, not enough to notice any changes.
Oct 5, 8:00pm
The sound was coming for quite some time, after the car cooled off, for almost an hour. Just steady hiss.
Oct 6, 4:15am
Does your aircon still work!
Dec 13, 1:08am
Spot, I 2nd this theory - I've had 3 sw20's & remember it clearly :)
Cheers Andy
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