Saab gearbox

ninja_man, Oct 7, 12:35am
Hi people, i need a new gearbox for a 2002 Saab 95 auto turbo 2.0L. Wheres the best place to find one! (yes i have looked on trademe).

bubbles52, Oct 7, 12:39am
whats wrong with the current auto

treachug, Oct 7, 1:29am
Appararently Blackwells Holden in Chch are dismantling a few Saabs amongst other Holdens etc. Give them a ring & ask for Bruce in the workshop - Ibelieve he is the man looking after that area.

mongolia1, Dec 16, 9:03am
Yep - Nigel Greene, trading as Eurocars in Nelson is your man - phone him on 03 545 1738.A Saab nutter and has lots of parts.Cheers.