97 legnum stereo help please :)

dagon1, Oct 9, 7:31pm
Hey all i thought i would rip into putting an aftermarket cd playing in my car been putting it off and off because of that dam tv/air con/controls pretty much everything to do with the vents and tape etc.now i managed to pull the surround off and got the whole thing out ( i did stuff one of the screw head that holds the tape player to the bracket just drilled it out ).and got my new cd player and so far its mounted up to the co existing holes so that was the easy part lol.now im scratching my head as at the back of the stereo is just them clip plugs .now how do i find out which is earth/remote/power those are the main 3 ! and the speaker wires are also a plug but im not sure what plug is what .i havent done any cutting yet as i dont want to do something i cant reverse.can i put in a new power cable new remote and earth etc and just by pass the plugs! cheers for any help with this :)

jasongroves, Oct 9, 7:44pm
Test light or a multi meter are your best bet, these 2 sites may offer some help too:
http://www.installdr.com/QuickWiring.asp http://www.the12volt.com/

dagon1, Oct 9, 7:47pm
hey cheers for that will have a look through :)

jasongroves, Oct 9, 7:49pm
Or, if you dont want to cut anything, head into your local DSE, Warehouse, Repco etc etc and get some loom adaptors.
You will need one for the head unit and one for the car.

dagon1, Oct 9, 7:49pm

jasongroves, Oct 9, 7:53pm
It will be very close at the least. I would still recommend a test light or meter though.
Jaycar have both very cheap.
The harness adaptors are probably the easiest way to go though overall.

dagon1, Oct 9, 7:57pm
i got one of them volt meters i think. do i turn it onto 200 V and put black prong onto metal and the go through each wire with the red until the meter thing i have starts showing numbers!

dagon1, Oct 9, 8:30pm
what would your thoughts be on putting in a new power and remote etc ! im going to be putting in new wires for speakers as well.if i do that i cna just by pass all them plugs!

andrea_w, Oct 9, 8:46pm
Absolutely pointless for the power and speaker wires. Unless the speakers are being run by an external amp, the factory speaker wiring is fine :) The 3 factory power wires are up the the task - unless the stereo specifies running a cable to the battery/ignition (Pioneer DEH-P1Y for eg)
Why would you run a new remote wire!! That's just a wire to power the aerial
If you leave your email (delete it before edit options vanish - just so the narks don't get you in trouble) I can give you a step by step guide in how to wire up a stereo in your car. including finding the speaker wires and getting the phasing correct etc

trdbzr, Oct 9, 8:55pm
My only advice for you would be to get it professionally installed if you don't know what you are doing.

andrea_w, Oct 9, 9:21pm
Sweet, I've got it - you can delete it now
I'll send you an email later on this evening

dagon1, Oct 9, 9:22pm
cheers andrea :)

andrea_w, Oct 11, 3:46am
Email sent :)

dagon1, Dec 30, 4:09am
hey thanks heaps andrea just having a read over it now :) will flick you one back with how i get on :) many thanks again :)