1994 Mazda 121 gear box needed

stevie1, Oct 9, 3:28am
Reverse decided to make a noise , Iwas told it wouldn't be too long before it went .

rob_man, Oct 9, 4:37am
Might be worth checking for crossovers with Ford Festiva, they are related somewhere along the line.

frank1, Oct 9, 5:03am
Sounds like mainshaft brg prob-- an easy fix for those who know--guess high kms!

jasongroves, Oct 9, 5:07am
Ford Fiesta too.
What size motor!
3 options from memory (wikipedia actually).

ajayzbabe, Oct 9, 3:00pm
Will prob be what most people refer to as a 12 o'clock starter type EG: starter mounts at 12 o'clock position, they are a very weak box. Have one thoug if you get stuck

saki, Dec 22, 9:12am
Weak box and an even weaker engine.