Ford sierra. Does anyone know where to get a gearstick for a ford sierra gearbox 5 speed 2 litre

sunny665, Nov 12, 1:22am
Does anyone know where to get a gearstick for a Ford sierra gearbox 5 speed 2 litre!

jmma, Nov 12, 1:28am
Its usually attached to the gearbox (o:

franc123, Nov 12, 1:35am
wanted ads section would be a good start,

jmma, Nov 12, 1:50am
shortkiwiboy might have a spare one by now (o:

shortkiwiboy, Nov 12, 2:00am
na I trying too find 1 but i see these boxes have other problems that cause the gear lever to break

sunny665, Nov 12, 2:49pm
yes kiwiboy, the driveshaft is a two peice, as you requested me to check

cossy5, Nov 12, 3:11pm
Quaife short shift available from Palmside Christchurch

xs1100, Feb 23, 11:15am
try cpa in wellington