240Z or 911 for a project/hobby/weekend drive!

hunter__, Nov 13, 3:43am
Thinking about a spending some money on something. At Lady Wigram the other day I suddenly realised how much I like the look of the old 240Z. Can't work out what they are actually worth 'cos none seem to sell here. Then I thought a similar year 911 would cost about the same. Given that old wagons can be money pits, which one do you reckon would be the bigger lemon over a few years of ownership, and which would have the best chance of getting your money back after say 5 years, or wouldI be better off to buy a BTD-6 and have some fun in the weekend with that instead. Cheers

foxdonut, Nov 13, 3:57am
Nah - The 911 is going to be a lot more. An old datto can be had in "restorative" condition for under 7k. 911, bare minimum 15 grand for something that will roll under its own power a few feet.

If you're looking for something you can "make you own" then both cars present good options - engine swaps with RB26's for the Nissan, M64/66's for an SC or earlier. plenty of options for seats, cages, wheels and body kits.

However: You'll never get your money back, neither of these cars are 'that sort of car'/

unclejake, Nov 13, 5:09am
Sadly it would be the 240Z. The 911 is a more engaging driver though, but the interiors are no where near as interesting as a similar value 240Z

bazza102, Nov 13, 5:24am
hi nnclejake, thoughrt you might have died and gone to heaven. do you miss the cortina and how is the free diving

1ollie, Nov 13, 5:47am
I would say the 240Z for many reasons but either way you are going to spend way way MORE than you will get back for it in 5 years!. but 10 years well maybe then. To be honest there is a difference between project/hobby an a weekend driver and the later one is what you get when you have finished doing the first one! It also kinda sounds like you have not taken on such a project/idea before!

Ummm a BTD-6! well if you like moving earth in a slow, expensive and most likly unreliable way then thats the go!

elect70, Nov 13, 7:55pm
240 z definately911 will send you broke .& dont go for 260 or 280 z or fairladys they are pigsbigger& heavier,they lost the plot .

the_don_61, Nov 13, 8:04pm
240Z.plently of parts ex USA. 911 is over rated.


You can still buy Brand new 240Z's in the USA.(factory rebuilt ones with new body tags)

foxdonut, Nov 13, 8:46pm
911 is the single best sports car ever made.

gunworks, Nov 13, 11:07pm
Posted the original Q on the wifes account, but back on my own now! Thanks for the comments, the problem I have with the 240 is working out the NZ value, expired listings here show plenty for sale, but they just don't seem to sell, the old 911s aways seem to go, interestingly Ebay shows the 240 to be very cheap in the US, for nice cars $NZ10K would buy a good one, (LHD obviously which is no use to me). My usual projects are landrovers, old tractors and even older jet boats so have a bit more research to do on this one before I drop any tin. Cheers

msigg, Nov 13, 11:15pm
240Z for sure.

foxdonut, Nov 13, 11:29pm
The 240's for sale on TM are over valued because five years ago the owners got the idea to buy an old shitter and spend a fortune restoring it, thinking it was going to end up profitable and now they have costs to cover. They're on here all the time, the only people that would want them can't afford them.

You'd have the same issue with the Porshe, except the the good ones get snapped up reasonably quick if the work is good and the cars are worth buying - An 83SC with a tricked out turbo motor, fuchs and snazzy body kit will sell easy enough to someone who has the coin as long as you don't price it out of the market. The 930 is a good example - People want these but can't spring the 60+ thats being asked for them. A resto SC with a Turbo is about the same car but can be had for 20 less than the 930.

gunworks, Nov 23, 2:36am
Thanks for those comments, I think the p-wagon is the way, will have to pony up a few more sixpences that I originally planned but thats okay. Turners Classic car auction is on this Sat, so will check it out and post prices here (or reserves, high bid etc). The impression I get from TM etc is this stuff is hard to sell, and vendors expectations exceed the market, but may be wrong and this weekend will be interesting to see how it goes. Want to see a few before buying anyway. Cheers

mm12345, Nov 23, 4:19am
240z was 1970-73 production.If you say "similar year" 911, you've opened a can of worms from rare and probably completely unaffordable, to something you'll probably seriously regret.Better IMO to look for '78 SC onwards.Galvanised body (not a guarantee there won't be serious and hard to see rust problems) and bulletproof motors (but still with some issues), and still real Porsches.

friendly_prawn, Nov 23, 12:50pm
Ask on this site, whats available. . http://www.zclub.org.nz/ They'll know of anything thats for sale locally and of prices. Cheapest street legal 240z I have seen advertised on trademe a couple of years back was $14000. I dont think that sold either.
Im not sure of the importing laws but Aussy might be a good place to look forimport a rhd early zed.
Personally I wouldnt ignore a 260z or the bigger 280 zed 2 seater. I love the looks of them all. Beware, the problem with the zed were rust issues. Even knowing that, I have still been caught out buying one that was full of rust. Something else that may be worth considering, I was going to buy a zed to drop an 8 in to. I have gone off that idea, just because zeds are getting harder to find and their rust issues puts me off.
Im thinking about buying an early RX7 and dropping an 8 in to it.
They are small light fun cars. Rotary engines are a little off putting to most, but if you only want it as a fun car, you could always do an engine conversion. Parts are easy to get and they are plentiful. Just something to think about.

sifty, Nov 23, 1:58pm
240Z, because they are one of the very few good looking Japanese sports cars and are quite interesting, and also because of the 'sad old git' stigma attached to anyone driving a porshe.

rayzor14, Nov 23, 7:51pm
240Z seems the likely choice to me. Escalating value and suprisingly easy access to many parts, particularly driveline stuff due to commonality with other Datsun models of the era.
There is something about the howl of a straight six that gets me barred up every time.

foxdonut, Nov 23, 8:12pm
You're thinking Nissan GTR.

foxdonut, Nov 23, 8:16pm
'cept it looks like a hippo.