Seatbelt 2002 commodore best place to buy

desmodave, Nov 13, 1:26pm
Friend needs drivers side replaced as its not retracting.Done high kms

mugenb20b, Nov 14, 12:29am

guest, Sep 25, 1:26pm
Stop it, Joanne! I already want to move to Qld. . .but of coruse only select parts of it now.Being without a car is a big big pain. . . try and find a friend who drives a BMW and is leaving town for a week. . .Josie xjosie recently posted..

guest, Sep 26, 12:16pm
Ah the old Kingswood turning cilrce roughly equal to the southern hemisphere, fuel consumption of 1 litre per kilometre. When I got my HX repainted (two tone gold), detailed, new head and extractors fitted it was the bestest car ever!VN:F [1.9.20_1166](from 2 votes)