I want to paint my door mouldings,what do

modie61, Nov 15, 1:05am
i use to prep them,they are black with a bit of silicone on them i think,thanks.
Oh im going to use a spray can from Super cheap.

gunhand, Nov 15, 1:20am
Clean them well with wax and grease remover. dont sand first though. Use light sandpaper, ie 600 dry or 800 wet or thereabouts. light coats only. Be patient when doing it.

modie61, Nov 15, 1:24am
What is the wax and grease remover called ! Can i get it from SCA !

gammelvind, Nov 15, 1:29am
The old PPG name for wax and grease remover was prepsol. These days we sell it under the name of wax and grease remover.

modie61, Nov 15, 1:30am
Oh ok,yes i know prepsol,thanks for that.

elect70, Nov 15, 8:03pm
Paint wont stick to silicone

foxdonut, Nov 15, 8:09pm
It would be worth getting a can of plastic adhesive promoter as a base coat - 'bout 30 bucks from most rattle can suppliers.

modie61, Mar 7, 9:41am
Yep thanks guys i got it done and looks real good,plastic adhesive promoter and prepsol worked very well,hardest part was getting rid of the chrome tape in the middle of the moulding,but im a patient person. Thanks gunhand once again,i must say thanks to the girl at Super cheap for good advice and good upselling too,lol.