Can't get into my car - have to clamber in from the passenger door side. can use the remote to lock and unlock, but the doors won't open. I can use the key in passenger side door to get in, and I can use the key to open the boot. what service person do I need to see - panel beater!
Jan 10, 7:00am
Yep, or your local mechanic. We get a few cars like that in our garage, not a big deal to remedy the fault.
Jan 10, 7:04am
Yep any decent panelbeater should be able to sort that. Sounds like the central locking in that door is not allowing the catch to unlock .
Jan 10, 7:05am
cheers - thanks for that - i'll get it checked out.
Jan 10, 7:12am
just rang a guy - said that's a big problem - he'd have to break the lock - a big job i'm gueing - or expensive one anyway
Jan 10, 7:15am
What kind of car!
Jan 10, 7:17am
What sort of car ! Have never had to break a lock yet doing this sort of job so just be careful cause they could be trying to stiff ya. most cars can be sorted by removing the inner door trim and opening door from the inside.
Jan 10, 7:19am
nissan q -
Jan 10, 7:23am
Jan 10, 7:24am
nissan quest ! nissan qashqai !
Jan 10, 7:25am
sentra q. central locking faults are very common on those.not expensive to fix ether
Jan 10, 7:54am
sorry - sentra q -
Jan 10, 9:06am
You have to remove internal door handle, undo armrest etc. Pull off door card as best you can (may have to be a bit agricultural). Peel back the plastic liner. Find the rod that connects the door lock to the mechanism and ensure that it is actually releasing the door lock.Then you should be able to use the rod to the door mechanism to manually open the door.
Jan 10, 9:14am
or wedge out between the glass and sill and use a steel bar
Jan 10, 9:18am
Its amazing what a little crc can do with stuck stuff
Jan 10, 6:44pm
Do you belong to an Auto breakdown service!ie AA, insurance company.get them to do it for free.
Jan 10, 7:41pm
focuson--Ok so in an attempt to collate information 1) you own a nissan pulsar Qwhich was made in 199! or 200! 2) you cant get IN through the drivers door 3) the key operates the passenger door and boot. 4) the "remote" doesn't open the doors at all
OK now first--can gou get OUT of the drivers door! If so once UNLOCKED from the inside can you then open the drivers door!
Jan 10, 10:43pm
i am having the same problem i can unlock from inside and get out but once locked with key cant gain access with key into the drivers side.
Jan 10, 10:44pm
the key will open passenger door and the boot.
Jan 12, 5:29am
Kazbanz 1) I own a nissan pulsar Q which was made in 1997 2) My car is locked with remote. 3) I cant get in through the drivers door 4) my remote unlocks the car but I can not get in to any doors - I can see through the window the locks open and shut. 5) I unlock the car with remote - go to the front passenger side and use my key to maulally unlock the door. 6 ) I climb over the passenger seat to get into the driver's seat. 7) I can not open the driver's door,
When I get home - I have to: 1) climb over the passenger seat to get out. 2) manually lock the passenger door with the key. 3) Use the remote to alarm the car.
In the morning I have to 1 unalarm the car 2 use the key to manually open the passenger side door - and then repeat all steps again.
I have looked at the passenger door, and there are no screws to take off the door lining.
Jan 12, 5:33am
There are, but only about 4 or 5. Most of the trim is held by clips.
Jan 12, 6:02am
ok so i am guessing that the car has an after marke alarm which is usd to lock/unlock the bet is that something has failed and maybe blown the fuse to the central locking "add on" box. that interfaces the alarm to a) the factory central locking system or b) the aftermarket solenoids.
Either way you need to get it to an auto sparky
Jan 12, 8:31am
Ok given your description it sounds like something inside the door has jambed up.If you can't unlock the door from inside it rules out an electrical fault as the immediate cause. -You have just ruled out about 5 possible senarios I thought of. On that basis I feel you need to go to a Panelbeater who will open the door and remove the inner panel for you. What part of auckland are you based in!
Now about the screws-they are hidden but they are there
Jan 13, 12:56am
Nah far simpler. If you know the anatomy of the door (the AA knows them all), a hooked hunk of wire and plastic wedge will open it. Even if the connecting rod has dropped off, they can still get them open. Anyone that says they have to damage anything is also likely to damage your cash levels.
Jan 13, 1:09am
It won't be after market solenoids ('97 Pulsars have door motor!) or even factory solenoids if OP can't phsically open door from inside with door lever. Quite possible the lock rod is jammed or has come adrift. Removing door card is the best option. ( I wouldn't trust the AA) Auto Sparkies can also do this. (part of alarm installation central locking requirements.
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