We've just got a little 3 ton truck, its privately rego'd. Do I need to put the owners details or whatever on the door like when its a company truck! Cheers
Dec 14, 9:04am
If it is used for hire or reward then you would need a GSL, is it on a COF! But i am thinking even if it is, it still won't need any details on the door if its not used for hire or reward.
Dec 14, 9:28am
Why not just put a picture of your pet cat or dog on it, that would make it look nice.
Dec 14, 9:31am
Yea its on COF, but thats what I was thinking as it's not being used for hire or reward and is rego'd as a private vehicle. Cheers
Dec 14, 10:52am
Just a stamp for each of the cyclist and pedestrian scum you've managed to rid us of.
Dec 14, 1:24pm
Private home phone number so we can ring you after hours when your driving is less than perfect.
Dec 14, 7:03pm
if it is COF, and private use only then still requires a class two licence to drive.
it will only require a huboandtare weight on the chassis.
IF it is used for any other purpose it will require a
TSL number company name and place of company aswell as tare and hubo
Dec 14, 7:21pm
If you have a T.S.L. no, there is no requirement to have your company details displayed.
Dec 14, 10:27pm
You realise if you ring the NZTA up you can get more accurate and relevant information than asking here!
Dec 14, 10:32pm
Where's the fun in that!
Dec 14, 10:55pm
you dont need anything
Dec 14, 11:28pm
i WOULD put a big FTP on the side!
Dec 14, 11:29pm
Excatly, as previous poster said. Tare Weight only needs to be displayed.
Dec 15, 12:58am
Just put the name, address & phone number of someone who's pissed you off. The rest is up to you.
Dec 15, 1:06am
Good one
Dec 15, 1:49am
3T tare weight or 3T GVM!
Dec 15, 2:35am
tsl is only needed if the gvm is 6 ton or over,and that now goes on the window like your rego.i have a 6250 gvm truck and it has nothing on the doors.gets a cof no probs.never had an problem when the god squad attacks ether.
Jun 6, 6:16pm
Yes the rules were changed a few years ago. Under 6 ton no address details are needed on the doors etc. this is the same even if you are using it commercially.
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