Brakes seized up.can I drive after cooling down!

jazzyjack1, Jan 16, 4:23am
This evening I could smell burning smell when I looked at my brakes that was where the smell was coming from (both front).with this my brake pedal is hard and when in Drive to coast it feels like the park brake is on. Can I drive (and being safe) to the local brake shop or will it need to be towed! vehicle is a 2000 Jeep grand Cherokee

franc123, Jan 16, 4:52am
safety aspects aside, driving it is only going to cause more damage and expense anyway, the trailer/towtruck ride is the better option I think somehow.

lovemore_mbigi, Jan 16, 12:38pm
Depending on the distance and speed covered with a locked brake there's a real chance you've cooked the brake seals.Been there.Done that.

illusion_, Jan 16, 1:43pm
Sounds to me like old (or inferior) brake fluid that has moisture (water) in it. As things get hot with a bit (or a lot) of use the water turns to steam and pressurises the system. IF this is the case it could be ok to very gently drive to the brake shop to get things sorted. Just go slow and careful.
A good reason why brake fluid should be changed every so often.

mechnificent, Jan 16, 2:50pm
If you can, check under the dash at the rod that goes from the brake pedal to the brake cylinder, it mught have come undone and would itself out of adjustment. If the pushrod doesn't have any play in it then you should wind it until there is a little bit of freeplay in the pedal or the rod. It might be only a minutes work to cure the problem.

nathanmac, Jan 16, 5:57pm
Fiddling with brake adjustments isn't something I'd be recommending to someone who doesn't seem to know too much about braking systems.A Grand Cherokee could flatten a few kids on a pedestrian crossing no trouble at all without stop pedal. Trailer or get it towed to someone who knows is the only way in this case by the sounds of it.

nonameleft, Jan 16, 11:54pm
apparently they are prone to doing that. spoke to a car dealer this week who said its the porcelain pistons in brakes that causes them to lock up and smoke.

fleming.a.j.s, Dec 30, 10:43am
Apart from poster 8 these replies are hilarious, they should be restricted to people who know what they are talking about.