Civic VTX abs & (!) light comes on no fault found

aboutpete, Jan 17, 3:10pm
Firstly thanks, I try and explain the issue, but I'm wordy.

AT times it (these two warning lights) come on and goes off again later. Particularly in the hot weather. I have been told before by Honda, there is an issue with these cars, and the relays for a/c etc or so, though no show at a computer scan! Which cost me $150.So I had the scan at Honda and no prob was found.

I have found that when lights stay on when driving (whether I get in and out the car, at short trips) that if I go to my fan (which I don''t use at all, as I believe it might be the prob as drains battery although sunday experiment showed battery fine, although lights stayed on) and turn it on, the aircon switch lights up green, meaning it's operating, then I turn the a/c switch off, and fan off, drive a little more, then get home, turn car off, and on again, and lights go out as per normal. (Note the ABS system was changed by Honda at 50+,k ago, and similar issue back then, ie abs light in dash coming on.).

Does anyone know anything about these VT-X models (05) and/or have similar issues with it!I have googled it with no real idea.I know there are very helpful gurus out here in trademe land. I've just yesterday been told by Honda, mine's unusual, and intimitent which I seem to always attract these types!Others at Honda there said otherwise. Hope the way I've explained it comes out right.

Is it hot weather anything to do with it or just coincidental!

Do you think it's the air con playing up or do I have an exceptional; knightrider type car playing tricks on me. No one is getting into my car other than myself, and turning things on or off.

On hot sunday when it happened again (since last time early Dec hot then too) I drove it to numerous places, and got out, and light stayed on everytime I got back in it. LAter in the afternoon or evening, I got in it, lights were still on, while driving, then I checked the fan and a/c light on too of its own accord (Honda pun) turned a/c off, then fan, drove it, got home, turned off, turned back on again, abs & (!) lights went off as per usual. Sunday the battery was checked and it was all good like other previous checks.I had the battery run out a few months ago, but that could've been coincidental!

Would it be an idea to just manually adjust by checking the fan when abs + (!) lights come on to see if fan has the a/c operating! I'm so scared to not get stranded again (Battery run out) that I wont even turn stereo back on as light blinks with the honda stereo anti-theft device, now that's eccentric!

All help would be gratefully received thanks. If I can clarify please let me know, thX.

twink19, Jan 17, 3:27pm
how old is battery, maybe its faulty,

aboutpete, Jan 17, 3:32pm
Battery is fine thank you, it's been tested thruout and also alternator etc are working fine at 13 volts charge from diagnostics check. The battery ran out after a couple of weeks of getting back from Wellington - Chch and I was told by the previous owner it (car) had been sitting, so maybe just needed a good charge up, which I duly did back then. If I leave these warning lights to stay on, I think, though could easily be wrong, the battery will sooner or later go down in power, although tested when problem Sunday, and battery was fine. So battery is ok, and charging properly, could be separate issue from warning lights, though no fault found. MAybe a door was left ajar that night battery went off, or been sitting and going under the batt cell thingee. thX.

pandai, Jan 1, 1:08pm
Sorry, what do the air conditioning, braking system and battery have to do with each other!


If the ABS and (!) lights show:
1) Check brake fluid level and operation of brake fluid level sensor
2) Check wiring connections/grounds/bulbs etc for all brake lamps