Yellow fluid leaking from engine

dreamer45, Nov 27, 8:11pm
I have a 95 honda odyssey & after driving it today it started to leak yellow fluid.At first I thought the radiator but now its cooled down & I've looked& its still full, any ideas of what else it could be! TIA

barbuzz, Nov 27, 8:15pm
It may have been from the overflow radiator bottle!

a.woodrow, Nov 27, 8:56pm
Sadly as cars get a little older they may become incontinent.Your honda peed itself

redslapper, Nov 27, 9:00pm
are u sure it wasn't from you!

marte, Nov 27, 9:23pm
Maybe if you have airconditioning, its leaking from the condensor.
(Its cooled the air & at the same time condensation drops out of the air onto the condensor, then when you stop the car, it drops to the catch tray & leaks onto the road)

If it is, no problems then.

unclejake, Nov 27, 9:50pm
Brake fluid is yellowish

foxdonut, Nov 27, 10:24pm
Brake or clutch is my guess.

Depends what the stain looks like, if its oily then it'll be brake, clutch or maybe transmission (sometimes red).

If its drying up and evaportating then its radiator or maybe something harmless like window cleaner reservoir or ac.

mugenb20b, Nov 27, 10:32pm
Condensate water is clear.

mm12345, Nov 27, 10:38pm
Dog pee.Surely it's not too hard for the OP to give a better description.I'd suggest tasting it, but coolant is poisonous, dog pee isn't, and I don't know what it tastes like.I just suspect it tastes like Tui - if the dog's a diabetic.

muzzaandmich, Nov 27, 10:42pm
a little knowledge is a dangerious thing . contact the agents for profesional advise

ml6989, Nov 28, 3:27am
The can of yellow paint you bought last week to paint the bathroom / toilet has fallen over and the lid has come off. I wouldn't be too worried about what has dripped on the ground, I'd be more annoyed about the mess in the car. You should have done the painting the day you bought the paint!

ralphdog1, Nov 28, 4:08am
I'd go to the Dr and get your kidney function tested

crzyhrse, Nov 28, 5:11am
Bet it's not even yellow.

singing1, Nov 28, 3:10pm
Taste it and you will find out.

elect70, Nov 28, 6:56pm
Its got gangrene -rot

mugenb20b, Nov 27, 10:32pm
Power steering fluid!