I don't really care about the fingers, they do that, never ending war to start up with them over it and most grow out of it. But to just go on and on and on then get all cocky with things that are much more offensive is pushing it. You could see him talking up mates to do it etc etc so they'd do it, then black power symbols and all sorts but it was clearly the same little pri** telling them to do it.
Nov 30, 12:13am
Should have ripped a skid right in front of them!
Nov 30, 12:19am
Yes, yes. and yes.
Every bloody morning on the way to Mount Albert from Glen Eden I get idiots that for some ridiculous reason can't stay in THEIR lane going round the SMALLEST of curves in the road.
I mean seriously. If you can't drive properly stay at home or take public transport :(
Nov 30, 1:01am
oooh I can do a list. people that don't know how to merge in a merge lane, stopping & doing it like a give way. cars turning right on a wide giveway intersection, take up the whole intersection & take ages to go. agree with above about cars that go real slow on the open road, then over the speed limit on the city roads. cars that are in a hurry to pass you, then slow down because they can't go around corners [open road] without using their brakes at least a dozen times. I can't complain about vehicles leaving puffs of exhaust, cause mine does a little when my poor little diesel safari is trying to get up to the speed limit [so I don't hold anyone up on the way to work]. drive safely all.
Nov 30, 1:17am
Ploughing them through the fence they were on would of been better. I've had trouble with them before, they've stolen tools and whatnot from the warrant place and go through the cars sometimes, including mine. Cops know them, can't be bothered cause they just lie, don't turn up to court, difficult to deal with etc. Basically they sit around all day trying to bait people and watching for when the warrant station leaves a car unattended long enough to rip out a stereo.
It'll come to a head one day when they piss off the wrong person, be it their dope dealer or big dude who gets his car broken into.
reminds me trroggie--if you are still at ":that " school The kids that hang out on our fenceline are getting pretty bad with the language-whewee usin words even I don't know
Nov 30, 3:29am
I was only there last Monday. I don't envy you being so close to them (well some of them). You could call Brett the DP and tell him about them. Getting a photo of them and showing him would be the way to go. It??
Nov 30, 3:44am
Somestimes indicated, sometimes not. but. middle of the road
start slowing down slooow down. more slowing down, now really slow. now we're crawling. "what's he/she doing!!" slooooooow down. slooooooooowwwwwwwww. *elderly walking pace*then slllllloooooowwwwwwwlllllyyyyy- yyturns wheeeeeel tooooo tttuuuurrrrnnnniiiiiinnnnn tooooo sssssoooommmeeeeee ddddrrrriiiivvvveeeewwwaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy.
Ya could have moved over to the left.
Nov 30, 4:07am
This doesn't happen to be somewhere in Puke does it!
Nov 30, 5:03am
Worse one is sitting at a stop sign and a 4wd pulls up beside. You so u greep forward abit to see if anything coming from the right and they greep foward blocking ur view. When they can clearly see over the top of your little car.
Nov 30, 5:46am
Not going to read all posts.im lazy. Anyways, I just plant my foot and go for it. Hit 140ks at times and pass every mofo. Have done this EVERYTIME if been on open road and never had a cop go past.never been done for speeding. Once I have finished overtaking I ALWAYs drop back to 100-105. So dont be an idiot and say Im a killer cos I speed, I only speed to overtake.
I also hate those mofos who go slow, then when there is a long stretch with no oncoming cars and clear roads etc then they speed up to 100 just cos its safe to ovetake.I then do the same as I described above.
Nov 30, 5:50am
I could be here all day listing my pet hates of NZ drivers. But one that cracks me up are the SHEEP. 2 lanes that go straight thru. everyone sits behind the BIG ASSED TRUCK that takes 30secs to get thru the lights so I pull up on the left/right (whichever is opposite to them) so I am at the front, then I get in front of 10 or more cars and only 4 of them get thru cos the truck takes off slow. BLOODY SHEEP.
Nov 30, 9:52am
Absolutely agree 100000%, then when you flash your lights they give you the finger.
Nov 30, 12:17pm
Yep, outside Ross Taylors. Those low lifes that hang around there get brave sometimes. I think they took a bike once and he had to go get it, I've spotted them scoping some cars before they get chased out, anything parked on the street when they're pissed is free game. I hate them. I park round the side sometimes but I'm wary of doing that, I've come back to them bent over having a check out of my stereo when I've been in the next street over near the bottle shop outside the St Johns. Even they aren't immune, they've had the GPS taken from the ambulance but I'd say that's school kids.
When I went to highschool there you'd hear about the odd broken into car, not there anymore but I'd say nothing has changed, someone busted my lock on the mr2 a couple times trying to get in. It's the combo of the kids going through there and the locals.
Nov 30, 4:54pm
Well I'll be damned. My dad (michael) and granddad have been going there for years and years and years.
I actually drove over to puke from glen eden and got my WOF done there. Left the windows down when I parked it up in his parking lot, won't be doing that again! Haha.
I like Ross, he's cool.
Nov 30, 5:15pm
Yeah ross is pretty cool but those kids have been giving him issues. It's not a pandemic but the guys in the shop have to watch what's going on. You really shouldn't have to be doing that cause of some ratbags hanging round. In the yard is pretty alright, it's out on the street I'd be wary. And that next street down with the bottle shop and st john. Hell even over by the park the "cool" kids hang out along that back fence.
With the high schoolers cars there are good pickings for lowlifes, that's when my locks got busted out. I'd also say that's one of the reasons they hang around. The cop shop is only the next goddamn street over to.
Nov 30, 5:56pm
Yeah cops aren't too far away are they. Pretty sad =/
Not sure what they can really do about it though, apart from warnings. I guess they could scope it out and wait for something to happen, but there's not that many cops in puke as it is, don't think they have the resources to waste maybe!
Nov 30, 7:00pm
They'll get their heads beaten in eventually by someone. Even pak n save when the rowdies walk past the carpark on the way home I've seen them being tools. It's just there are so many people traffic that area around there and some of them are bad eggs so there really is nothing you can do except not stand there like a numb nuts if you see one doing something. I'm always at autostop which is right there where they hang around. I think the Don Tompson dealership had trouble to at one point and that is literally next to the police station -_-
Nov 30, 10:18pm
Thats actually a throwback from the 'horse & cart' days.
Thats why people, who got taught how to drive by their Mothers, who got taught how to drive by their Mothers, who got taught how to drive by their Mothers - in a horse & cart. Drive like they are driving a Horse & cart.
Look at how they hold the steering wheel, at the bottom, thumbs over the wheel. Just like if they were holding a horses reins.
Nov 30, 10:27pm
I got taught how to drive by a proper driving instructor. Its amazing how people can go thru life having no idea of many of the road rules. One driver in a car I was in, said that shes a good driver. So I counted her mistakes, 10 in the first ten seconds, 5 in the next 5 seconds.
Nov 30, 10:31pm
1 left hand in the 7 o'clock position. 2 right hand in the 5 o'clock position 3 left thumb over the steering wheel 4 right thumb over the steering wheel 5 not checking rear view mirror 6 not in the correct lane 7 drifting in lane 8 back passenger not wearing a safety belt 9 one hand on the steering wheel 10 arguing about amount of mistakes made.
Nov 30, 10:33pm
"But thats not my problem if the back passengers not wearing a safety belt"!
Nov 30, 10:35pm
"It is when the person in the on coming lane drifts & you jam on the brakes & they slide forward & bash the back of your seat, you fly forward, break both of your thumbs & let go of the steering wheel & end up steering with your face. Besides you are in the wrong lane, you must drive in the left hand lane".
Nov 30, 10:43pm
People who indicate left or right before going straight through a round about. Or the people who indicate left after they have exited the round about.
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