failed a WOF on stop lights not working, I tell him to fix it & give it a WOF. I pop out for an hour and a half, come back & see him with the stop light switch in his hand & a voltmeter looking a bit confused.I ask did you check the bulbs 1st! No he says, guess what the problem was.yep.blown's gonna be a bloody long week if this keeps up.
Nov 28, 9:41pm
fail. lol
Nov 28, 9:45pm
Are you sure he's had 8 yrs experience!
I've had no experience as a mechanic and the bulbs would be the first thing I check & change.
Nov 28, 9:51pm
8 years according to his cv, worked at Holden, Nissan, Subaru.looks pretty impressive, hopefully this was just a one off lol.
Nov 28, 9:56pm
cool weetbix are given out experience now
Nov 28, 10:14pm
8 years experience.where they good or bad experiences.
Nov 28, 10:16pm
Didn't do a pre-employment check did we!
Nov 28, 10:19pm
FFS! What a dumb arse.(the new mechanic I mean).
Nov 28, 10:24pm
Lets be fair - Both bulbs blown! I would check the fuse first, then go to a bulb. After that, it would have to be the switch input and output.
Nov 28, 10:28pm
you may as well have hired me!, im not qualified but hell thats not a good start for a experienced mechanic!
Nov 28, 10:31pm
He didn't have to pull the switch out at all, just bridge the two wires on the connector, 5 second job. Basic electrics 101.
Nov 28, 11:51pm
Aww comeon -KISS baby kiss. You start with the odvious stuff first
Nov 28, 11:52pm
Oh well just charge it onto the customer lol hope not
Nov 28, 11:53pm
8 years experience or 1 years experience x 8!
Nov 28, 11:54pm
Yes, the simple stuff - job interview technique and reference checking.Don't blame the poor retard.Be nice when you fire him.Sounds like he's qualified for a career in politics or merchant banking.Write him a nice reference.
Nov 29, 12:30am
8 years and worked at 3 differant dealerships you have to ask why. 27 years of being a mechanic and only worked at 3 places lol. What you paying him by the way !
Nov 29, 12:40am
That's very sad.
Nov 29, 1:39am
We had a bit of a chuckle after work but I told him "assumption is the mother of all F**KUPS" basics, basics, basics 1st & foremost.I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now, I suppose it's not that common for both stop & hi stop lights bulbs to blow.but it does happen!
Nov 29, 1:44am
Even so, it shouldn't take the d!ckhead an hour an a half to find the problem. 5 minutes tops.
Nov 29, 1:45am
did all that, rung all his previous employers, all said top bloke, decent mechanic, hard working etc.all of them were downsizing due to recession so they had to lethim & a few others go.
Nov 29, 1:51am
actually the joke could be on us if the car comes back with the same problem and a pissed off customer cos it wasn't fixed right -ie theres a short blowing all the bulbs
Nov 29, 1:53am
omg sounds like the guys who im in charge of, except their problem is they are like snails! dordle around with they hands in their pockets all day! its hard thinking and working for 3 people, especialy when your busy! and they wonder why i get grumpy!
Nov 29, 2:01am
come on He is a mechanic not a sparky being a bit harsh I feel All though it may be simple to you I have seen some top mechanics fail at electrics big time I dont give them shit or think they are dumb because its not their field although some may be diverse at the end of the day they are a mechanic alot didnt take jobs to fix brake lights but to fix mechanical parts.
Nov 29, 2:23am
was he a indian.
Nov 29, 2:23am
anyone can give themselves a good CV, did you phone any of his previous employers!
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