Sayings you hate in motor racing!

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rsr72, Jan 20, 11:39pm
It's still-'Rothmans'.

lookoutas, Jan 20, 11:44pm
Camped up there mate - it's still not a mountain no matter how steep.
Nor are any of the so called mountains within Auckland. I'm not just picking on Ozzie's.
I look out my front/side/back windows, and I see hills higher than all those little bumps. And we don't call them mountains.

On the other hand - there's a few big often white topped bumps down the road, and they are mountains.

lookoutas, Jan 20, 11:47pm
Yeh - me too.

1fordluva, Jan 20, 11:51pm
Well in a flat land like ozzy,a small lump is a mountain,as are corners ha ha.
That is a very steep bit of road,some people watch it on tv and thinks its a cake walk.
Well for those that do,they are so wrong!

richynuts, Jan 20, 11:52pm
just like aussies call a dew a frost lol

52ford, Jan 21, 12:53am
my father always tells me that to finish first,first you must i tell him its a streetstock and its built to hit things,who cares if you finish.

louisen, Jan 21, 1:35am
how about. anyone with the name of joe is given the name "smokin joe" after the rally driver joe mcandrew

richynuts, Jan 21, 1:58am
"Some of those overtaking moves I was friggin' so nearly on the floor it wasn't funny" good on ya casey go dry ya eyes!

socram, Jan 21, 1:59am
The one I really do like to hear after a handicap race is "Jeez that was so close. If only we'd had another 200m I would have had him!"

The one I don't like is "That was crap handicapping" - usually after a race with a heap of yellow flags.

sr2, Jan 21, 2:18am
Smoking or not that boy can sure pedal!

paul271, Jan 21, 3:35am
Personal hate when in the pits and the bonnet of my car is open and someone walks past "oh, its a V8, I bet that uses a lot of gas".They obviously dont get it.

duggin, Jan 21, 6:18pm
+1"Well said that man."

whqqsh, Jan 21, 6:25pm
Overheard one guy say "probably passes everything on the road except a gas station". I said, "but Ill still be first to the gas station" .so you're right they dont get it

socram, Jan 22, 6:58pm
"What is it!"

"Its a ******."

"Is it a Porsche!"

"No, it's a ******"

"Is it a Jag!"

"No, it's a ******"

"Who makes them then!"


mazzyz, Jan 22, 8:36pm
"We'll just take a break while they clean up the oil down", hate it, usually because you're cooking in the sun (driver/spectator)while you're waiting however long it takes. P!sses me off that some lemon has done a rubbish job with their car so that it craps itself all over the track, good one - NOT.

socram, Jan 22, 10:07pm
Agree!Even F1 cars break.

bill-robinson, Jan 22, 10:36pm
That quote was from a Rallycross meeting. I built the second car he spoke of. John Welch's Gartrac G4 4wd escort.Johnwon from Martin Schanke who finished second.

1fordluva, Jan 22, 10:50pm
Some one said yesterday,"I am having a good day,when my legs are shaking like a horny dog" Now thats a cracker!
Although I wonder how he knows that pmsl!

gt4nz, Jan 25, 9:10am
From speedway a few years ago, a young fella wandering thru the pits saying it was only a minor engine problem, while holding half a conrod in his hand!