Its late im nearly heading to bed and I may realise the answer before I get back on here but. Just had to ask why the fcuk can hotrods and other such vehicles drive around with no gaurds/wheel covers/flares etc etc and never get touched but then when a Cefiro/Skyline/EVO/Supra has its wheel and tyre sticking out 20mm from the gaurd with a nice stance(and everything elce 100% legal) it gets pink stickered! seems like another 1 sided rule!
Maybe also due to HOW the vehicles are being driven. Sadly for the few who aren't idiots, the rest spoil it for them. How often do you see some bunny 'drifting' on the road! How often do you hear of them wiping out some kid / other innocent driver on the road!e.g. Those 4 guys in the Subaru who hit the oncoming 44 year old and killed them recently! (Subaru = teenagers speeding / drinking etc etc).Just the other day I saw someone in a quite new Subaru WRX lose it on a completely straight piece of road, after I suspect showing off - It hit a fence and lampost so hard that the car spun completely round, and the lampost fell down (we were just on the other side of the road).This is in what is actually a safe vehicle, with four wheel drive etc etc, so quite hard to lose it I would have thought.How often do these losers 'boost it' between the lights so they can psssht, and even worse are the external wastegates on street cars - why is this needed!This is why the genuine enthusiasts get hassled by the police generally.When I owned my skyline, I got pulled over much more often than in my HQ.I'm not a perfect driver in any way, but know when and where to have a bit of 'fun' (well did until I sold all of my interesting cars at least :-()
Jan 23, 1:42pm
Admittedly some V8 drivers are also idiots, but watch for a day and see how many of them you see / hear compared to the 'boy racer' types.
Jan 23, 2:00pm
what extrayda said. . . . oh, and Cefiro/Skyline/EVO/Supras are gay.
Jan 23, 2:14pm
Haha I drive a Cefiro now (97 FWD, so not exactly desirable to the drift crowd :-)
Jan 23, 2:17pm
Its because a very large percentage of hot-rodders are legal. they have built or collected their cars and a great deal of pride goes into them. Usually they a grown men who have done it all before. Your average cefiro/subaru/honda etc driver will be a youngster with many lessons to learn (we have all been there) but unfortunately, These days when a youngster turns into a penis behind the wheel to show off to the boys, the potential for disaster is increased due to horsepower you can buy on tick these days. So its a sure bet when a riceburner goes by with widened rubber and all the rest of the crap that bolts on, Theres a need for a lesson to be dished out by officer hard-on. When a t-bucket or the likes is on the road the driver doesnt need to peform a 'drift' or any other dangerous move so officer hard-on realises its not worth stopping him. hot-rods generally have the right stickers because the owner is on to it. you wouldnt risk your $40,000 rod being impounded. Whereas im sure plenty of riceburners are 'barely legal' so its a numbers game.
Jan 23, 2:20pm
also, i struggle to believe that a car with 20 mm wider rubber but everything else is 100% legal would get pink stickered. That sounds like a case of war between a boy ricer and officer hard on (unfortunately officer hard on wins.every time)
Jan 23, 2:24pm
ive seen heaps of hot rods on the road with no wof and reg power tripping cops
but if your in there head yuo will get done ( just put on some leathers and a patch and hop on your harley and you will miss them all lol
Jan 23, 2:30pm
well i would bet my left one there are more illegal riceburners than hot-rods.i am sure that's how the cops see it too. I think sifty put it best when he said, and i quote,Cefiro/Skyline/EVO/Supra- s are gay.haha
Jan 23, 2:39pm
i agree hotrods should have guards and safe tyres put on the front as the silly little biscuits they use is outright dumb
Jan 23, 6:53pm
Thanks whqqsh good man you answered my question! but unfortunatly its still a one sided unfair joke of a rule but hey thats life lol and by the way dont take it that I hate them or anything I love all sorts of cars and allways go to hotrod shows and swapmeets and what not as I was brought up around them by my dad I only asked as a mate said it to me yesterday when we were driving and he saw a 34 or similar year chev go past. This also applys to 4WD's as they get pinged for the same thing as other cars which are not limited to Japanese imports. Sifty clearly you and bigjerry are the guys with all the knowlege on being gay. lol Bigjerry look at all the crap you just wrote haha you are a complete dickhead! you are the reason why people call V8 owners meatheads and boat anchor owners because you are one an you need to get out of that mindframe and growup! if you take a look around the car scene has grown up alot in the last 6 years and there is no need for people with the same passion and likes to be battling with each other but your cliche comments like 'riceburner' 'boyracer' 'youngster' do amuse me and show how you are.
Jan 23, 7:08pm
LOL, take any photos!
Jan 23, 7:09pm
Siftys are gay.
Jan 23, 7:19pm
I cant wait for the school holidays to be over!
Jan 23, 7:20pm
I could drive around for ever and not get pulled over, so I dont know what else you are doing, might just be the type of car.
Jan 23, 9:26pm
pocket2s - no photo's I felt a bit sorry for the guy, but it could easily have been a family he plowed into rather than a lamppost.It was on Oteha Valley Road in Albany, there is still tape around the damaged fence & the remnants of the lampost !
1ollie - they are generally referred to as 'boy racers' because most of them are 'boys' and a lot of them try to race. Could be renamed 'boy drifters' now though.Same as V8 drivers are more often referred to as hoons !
I agree that the putting things on tick and generally higher horsepower cars don't help.In my day a 2 litre escort or mild 5.7 litre V8 was the 'hot thing'.I seem to remember Holden making a bit deal of the 185kw commodore, whereas now thats the V6 model !
A lot of it is about Police perception - I managed to get pulled over 4 times in one night in an 1166cc Corolla Wagon, mainly I suspect because it looked like a POS that wouldn't have a WOF (it always did have a wof).Wasn't doing anything too wrong either !
Jan 29, 5:15am
If all you guys that wish to hang some rubber outside the guards, care to form a responsible organisation and lobby for an exemption, then go for it. That's what the NZHRA did, and you can only run with no guards if you are a member of an affiliated club.
Didn't read the link, but am guessing that's what it said.
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