My beamer has done around 90k's. One opinion is that after 100k's on the clock most car's value dips more than just the gradual decline because there's a psychological thing about buying a car thats done under the 100. My mate says there's 2 options. Flick it now and stay ahead of the game, or keep it, but if I keep it then drive it into the ground to get every bit of value out of it (ie. don't sell it at 180k or whatever). What do you guys think about this 100k issue! I don't want to get rid, its an awesome car and it drives really nice. heck i havent even had it for a year but i do lots of miles. But maybe I want to upgrade sooner than the 10 years it will probably take to "drive it into the ground".I mean, it drives like new! (its the 2003 BMW 525i I once waffled on about). Cheers
Nov 30, 10:51pm
Its a BMW get rid of it. Its going to start to cost you money soon.
Nov 30, 11:26pm
There it is there.Keep it.
That car will do heaps and heaps more k's than that if it is serviced regularly.Hell, my old 318i I've still got has over 350,000 now, never been touched.
Nov 30, 11:44pm
in short people are idiots. Things aren't going to start going wrong the minute it clocks over to 100,000kms. Re-sale value is going to be quite similar whether it's 90,000kms or 110,000kms.
Nov 30, 11:51pm
Concise and accurate.
Nov 30, 11:52pm
Its just run in, keep it and do the services
Nov 30, 11:57pm
OP -In fairness its all in the mind. Unfortunately in our tiny country there are a fairly diverse range of mindsets. Unfortunately there are those that still see 100k as the point a car is basicly a mouldering heap. There are also those that are only interested in cars with sub 50k's regardless of how improbable it is to find a 15 year old car with K's that low. But theres an ever increasing number who are realising that modern cars easilly clock up 200 even 300k trouble free. So yes you are reducing the available pool of buyers by clocking over 100k but in fairness they tend to be utterly pedantic sods. --Incidently said pedents tend to be impressed by good service records
Dec 1, 3:05am
You will loose more money in the long run buying and selling cars too quickly, keep it as long as you can to get your moneys worth.
Dec 1, 3:07am
Na,200kms then they really drop. just compare say a 03 coon with 170km then one with 220km.
Dec 1, 3:17am
That model has the best engine with only low Kms on it. So if you like it, I'd stay with it and enjoy.
Dec 1, 3:55am
Sure, they perhaps can, if you're lucky. But the other side of this is that they might not, and if it's not your lucky day, then the potential cost to fix them can be astronomically high. And these days the auto makers have got "design life" optimised for every component, for cost and weight saving.Once stuff starts failing from age/mileage at one end of the car, stuff will start failing all over it.
Dec 1, 5:33am
If you like it, drive it.
Dec 1, 7:16pm
My BMW has 155000km on the clock. I have no intention of selling it, as I am pretty sure that I can double this. By the way, it only has 2 cylinders and 1150cc. Your car will most likely be fine. The killer is depreciation, not repairs.
Dec 1, 7:21pm
There's a lot less to go wrong on a bike; especially if it's a BMW.
Dec 1, 7:42pm
i don't get all the comments I see in discussions whenever beamers pop up.about high repair costs.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, but if you drive around Albany where I live, and in particular Oteha, just about every second car is a 5 series BMW around 6 - 10 years old.they're popular!and a lot are driven by Chinese too (who's kids drive the 3 series).now, I would say the Chinese being a very frugal people would be the last people to opt for high-maintenance cars !(and I'm allowed to say that, cosmy wife's chinese!).
So what gives.are we all suckers!I got a 3 year warranty with mine, so its not a big deal for a while.but it doesn't "feel" like its going to need much.they just seem really solid and reliable! Whats with the "oh dear.a BMW, you'll need a second mortgage" stuff !(just asking)
Dec 1, 7:47pm
That's quite an assumption.
Dec 1, 9:12pm
keep it! Will go forever!
Dec 1, 10:25pm
In New Zealand there are people around who charge the Earth for parts and service on Euro cars for no other reason than "it's a Euro".Unfortunately a bunch of well-off people let them get away with it by assuming that it is all true and paying it.
If one shops around and uses the internet and conducts due diligence there is no reason the running costs should be very different from any other car.
I've owned Bimmers since 94 and driven about a million k's in them.In that time the only part that has failed is a fuel pump.(And it might be my fault for running it out of gas too many times.)
Everything else has been ordinary maintenance like all cars have.
Dec 2, 1:37am
REALLY!---I guess all the High k jap cars running around in japan now are just waiting to stop. There this stupid mindset that cars are gonna fall appart before 200k Yet the evidence is clear thatmost jappas easilly do 300k nowadays. --Probably they have done for the past 20 years excepth dodgy buggers were clocking 100-200 off them
Dec 2, 2:57pm
Its funny when buying a car though,If buying 180,000km is just run in, if trading its a time bomb and not worth alot we are sorry.
Dec 2, 8:34pm
Absolutely correct, I was told by a dealer that a trade in, even if in immaculate condition, was worth virtually nothing at 190,000k. He said he would offer a nominal amount as a trade in but it would cost him money to get rid of it. He didn't get the business and I eventually got double what he offered elsewhere.
Dec 2, 9:05pm
Its mostly a mith about running a car into the ground. All I've ever found is they always keep costing money. Now, if the exhaust, wheel bearings, shocks, alternator, starter, tyres, brakes radiator, battery all crapped out at once then it would be a different story.
Dec 2, 9:12pm
my 180b datsun , & then the 1st model corona i had after it, were basically kept upright by the rust at the end
they just kept going & going & going & eventually, after 400K for both of them, got too rusty to use even for gravel & sand bashing
Dec 1, 3:55am
Sure, they perhaps can, if you're lucky. But the other side of this is that they might not, and if it's not your lucky day, then the potential cost to fix them can be astronomically high. And these days the auto makers have got "design life" optimised for every component, for cost and weight saving.Once stuff starts failing from age/mileage at one end of the car, stuff will start failing all over it. The difficult part is to know when to cut your losses.
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