Judgemental (applying personal values) to cars

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kcf, Dec 4, 7:22pm
Standard automatic car.Monster tach.

[judge judge judge]

rallec, Dec 4, 8:41pm
If you see any of them on a parked car, slap on a few of these - http://bit.ly/f6I8Cm

loose.unit8, Dec 4, 9:14pm
There's *always* someone who doesn't like the thing you've just done to your car.The moral is : never worry about it

saki, Dec 4, 9:34pm
Fluff on the dash top, not the human kind though.

loonee-dial-111, Dec 4, 10:34pm
Do you prefer to drive on the hubs!

bmwnz, Dec 4, 11:22pm
LOL. For some of the cars I've laughed at, that'd be an improvement!

gunhand, Dec 5, 12:09am
You all realise that your parents pretty much hated any extra you added to your car back in (add year) and if they hadinterweb chatrooms in (add year before internet) they would be saying the same about your tastes.
Nothing much annoys me unless it directly effects me and oddly enough most times it dosen't. In fact low spoilers and body kitsetc generate work.

trogedon, Dec 5, 2:26am
"generate work" for who! Road repairers!!

trogedon, Dec 5, 2:27am
gunhand - there comes a point where most reasonably minded people think painting a cap on backwards on the Mona Lisa is just a step too far.

gunhand, May 4, 10:40am
Insurance companys, panelbeaters, painters, fiberglass suppliers, kit suppliers, piant distributers etc. They get wrecked alot lol.