Reconditioned Gearbox

qps2010, Jan 27, 11:08pm
Anyone know the price of a 1995 mazda 626 GLXE auto transmission would be approximately!

moosie_21, Jan 27, 11:11pm
To get it reconditioned or to buy a reconditioned one!

qps2010, Jan 27, 11:16pm
Which ever is cheaper.

jasongroves, Jan 27, 11:24pm
I would say minimum $1500 on a swap basis.
Most likely more. Mazda autos of that era are notorious for shitting themselves.
Which engine is in yours!

jonthefisho, Jan 28, 1:57am
It would be more to fix than the value of the car.

franc123, Jan 28, 2:13am
Good useable transmissons for those would be hard to get now, even those left are a bit of a lottery, they don't have a good track record. Those that can be bothered have had success with doing manual conversions on a DIY basis, if you can get a donor car with all the bits you need. It's a lot less than a recon of the auto, you'd be looking at $3K minimum to do that depending on what needs doing to it.If you could get a good (cross fingers) used auto for a good price, shouldn't be over a grand to change over, depending on labour rates of course and how much a wrecker wants to extract from you for a high demand part.

qps2010, Feb 16, 12:46am
Car is still going. Not too sure it is the gear box. Just has low rev's. If I put the hold button on it drives fine.