Huh!.drive belt doesnt fit

lugee, Jan 27, 9:03pm
What belt exactly!

jsbike, Jan 27, 9:18pm
take the pully off, put the belt in the pully groove, put the pully back on!

would have thought if it was longer than the factory one you would have plenty to play with

mechnificent, Jan 27, 9:18pm
You put it on one or two pullies, then start at one side of the second or last pulley and roll it on from one side of the pulley, over the top and the last bit should just plop into placce. finger pressure should do it.

If it is a lot too tight then you probably have looked up the wrong model or a car with different options on it.

phillip.weston, Jan 27, 9:32pm
What car is it! I know I had the same issue with replacing a Subaru alternator belt, 5PK877 came off and 5PK880 went back on, except it was really tight even at the lowest setting. I ended up dropping the alternator itself down even further by unbolting it from the engine.

panicky, Jan 27, 11:57pm
Welcome to the wonderful world of parts listings

lookoutas, Feb 13, 4:08am
Do as #5 sez.