For_an_angel question about 1MZ-FE & 2MZ-FE Engine
Jan 31, 12:47am
Can a Camry Gracia with a 2.5 litre 2MZ-FE engine have it's engine swapped out with the 3 litre 1MZ-FE engine, along with it's trans ECU etc! Has this been done before successfully! Both beingMZ V6 engines I guess it would be possible!
Jan 31, 2:32am
Jan 31, 2:38am
The MZ are picky about gearbox codes and can be a PITA to wire up.
Jan 31, 2:39am
You would need to check the driveshaft lengths, and diameters. Also the engine mounting points. you would probably need to swap the wiring loom as all the sensor connectors would be slightly different. then check the bellhousing size, so the gearbox will bolt up to it. There may be other stuff that you need to check as well, but thats all i can think of for now.
Jan 31, 3:39am
MZ series engines use the same bellhousing. It is the same as LOTS of toyotas, S series, VZ and even the JZ supra engines are all pretty common pattern. The different ones are the light duty engines like A series. They usually use the same gearboxes across lots of cars so driveshafts and the like line up very easy.
Besides what is wrong with your motor! There was a 2MZ in pick a part takanini when I went a couple days ago. Was a white gracia.
Feb 26, 2:12am
Thanks for that info pol.Just wondering about the feasibility of the engine swap.just looking at a car at the the sounds of things could be a cambelt job! If so well & good.
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