Brake Dust

smartass3000, Dec 10, 4:36am
My car has white mags, very badly stained from brake dust. Is there an easy solution to clean it up! I was hoping there was one of those old wives tales where you mix baking soda with something and it works - or some shit like that. Or just a good product that works!

snoopy221, Dec 10, 4:38am
Degreaser.pop in to ole supacheap and grab a can spray on leave for a bit brush em and lightly respray then washwith warm soapy water and hose off

smartass3000, Dec 10, 4:49am
Sounds like a plan, how well is that likely to work on really bad stains

moosie_21, Dec 10, 6:29pm
I use industrial strength degreaser on mine (parents run a motel so get it off them for nothing). Works awesome and leaves mags sparkling like new. It's pink, but can't remember the nae at the moment. Also wash it off with HOT water and detergent, will get it all off surely.

kazbanz, Dec 10, 6:42pm
moosie -is it degreaser or is it just a cleaning product> If its pink I suspect its called multiclean.
But I agree its REALLY good at cleaning up painted surfaces.
I'd like to add that good old fashioned elbow grease works well with it as well

smartass3000, Dec 10, 6:50pm
Cool, might head down to super cheap now.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 7:04pm
Once you have them clean, spray them with some silicone and it will make cleaning them next time a breeze.
However DO NOT get the silicone on your brake rotors.
Happy cleaning!

curlcrown, Dec 10, 7:16pm
as usual most of the posts are of no help what so ever. Think of the name "degreaser" and then think of what it does. And then think of what silicone does.

alan1111, Dec 10, 7:18pm
Wash down with warm / hot soapy water. Then change brand of disc pads i sell and use Bendix hardly any dust problems.

kazbanz, Dec 10, 8:09pm
smartass -look in my experience when dealing with painted surfaces there can be a fairly thin line between cleaning and damaging the paint surface. Especially with painted wheels where you don't know the paint thats been used.
So on that basis I agree with Moosie as to the best product to use.
Its called Multiclean. Its a product thats liquid and pink in color. You spray it on then scrub with a brush and hose it off. Some heavier staining might take a second go

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 8:21pm
As usual you failed to read the posts properly. I didn't say Silicone would clean the wheels, that's not the point of it at all. *facepalm*

xs1100, Dec 11, 1:44am
what about looking at the grade of brake pad you are using, i put silverlines from repco on the front of a vechile i was driving (they didnt have lucas ones in stock at the time) and lucas on the rear the silverlines dust up like anything and because they are the cheaper pad i know they are used by lots of repairers

jono2912, Dec 11, 7:51am
He's right, you know.

sr2, Dec 11, 8:06am
+1;Jazz is usually right. (He's just a little too passionate and opinionated for some of the more conservative participants on this MB!).

gusthe1, Dec 11, 12:59pm
Mix some baking soad wih something. it really does work.

pup2, Dec 12, 2:03am
Yea XT88 worked pretty dam good for me

horsepower7, Dec 12, 2:06am
we use hot rims at work, its good but you have to give them a good scub too

thejazzpianoma, May 29, 8:55am
Me, opinionated!
Nah. I don't see it.