Replaced radiator - car wont start, Feb 3, 2:17am
Ok.any help would be appreciated.
Replaced radiator - fan wouldnt turn on - left car running for 15 min - now car will crank but wont turn over.Any ideas!
Thanks in advance.

franc123, Feb 3, 2:23am
You did put water in the radiator presumably!, Feb 3, 2:24am
yes.and anti freeze.

phillip.weston, Feb 3, 2:40am
and the car is.! sounds like something wasn't reconnected when the radiator was re-fitted.

20498, Feb 3, 2:41am
What is the vehicles make and model!

40wav, Feb 3, 2:46am
Doesnt make wont start but you left it running for 15 minutes!

40wav, Feb 3, 2:49am
Sorry, just re-read. Check your crank angle sensor. That happened to me with a Mazda ute. Was running when I gave it a wash etc. Turned it off, then 30 mins later it would not start. Replaced CAS and all was good., Feb 3, 2:50am
Mazda demio 1999, Sorry my partner did it and I am researching - lol. TIA

phillip.weston, Feb 3, 2:58am
I'm guessing to remove radiator the air box to the left hand side has to be removed - perhaps the plug to the air flow meter isn't plugged back in!

johnf_456, Feb 3, 2:59am
Look for anything obvious that is un plugged pull connections off and push them on firm. (one at a time), Feb 3, 3:01am
But it was going - turned it off and wouldnt start again. If something was loose, would it have started at all! Thank you.

phillip.weston, Feb 3, 3:04am
perhaps it's something not even related to the radiator.

mechnificent, Feb 3, 3:06am
Yes, possibly. There are sensors that affect the mixture and they would be less relevant when the motor was cold, now it is hot they could prevent an easy start.

thegreycat, Feb 3, 4:09am
Like a coolant temp sensor!Remember we had starting issues when our car had a dodgey coolant temp sensor,ECU would get confused on temp and run the car too lean and wouldn't start when warm

intrade, Feb 3, 1:23pm
what car! year model make - mybe you unpluged something for engine control or blowen the fuse for engine managment . or you have no contact on the battery therminal if you disconnected the battery to do the job asyou should have.

berg, Mar 7, 9:04am
Left running for 15min without cooling fan running. Any chance it got hot at all. Has it got any compression or does it just wind over fast