Rb25det s2. Not getting spark any idears

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daniel79, Dec 12, 1:50am
not getting spark, any idears!

andrea_w, Dec 12, 1:54am
What have / haven't you eliminated!

You will be lucky to get any decent replies with such a pathetically vague post

daniel79, Dec 12, 1:58am
new coils "s2" s1 coils dont have The inigter in each one, new plugs,its a second hand motor put in, but is mint, and compression test was done, auto tech came round today, he thought it might be the cam angle sencer, so we tried another one of thos, still no spark, well a light one at the start but apart from that nothing, its mind blogling,

daniel79, Dec 12, 1:59am
oh year and sparkplugs of course

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:13am
he wired in a rb20det cas sebcer he thought it might be that,bit confused with it all thanks if you can help or could anyone put me on to another auto tec!

mugenb20b, Dec 12, 2:18am
So am I.

matarautrader, Dec 12, 2:26am
Is it compulsory for rb25det s2 owners to have mind "blogling" lack of writing skills!

skull, Dec 12, 2:30am
Yes it is, they spend all their money on tires, petrol, alcohol and fines, there's none left for an education.

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:32am
hahaha yes, i think its better than owning a old rust bucket like your corona, might be worth more at a scrap dealer

andrea_w, Dec 12, 2:33am
What have you done to confirm you're getting no spark!

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:34am
Don;t For get the females aswell lol

mugenb20b, Dec 12, 2:35am

mugenb20b, Dec 12, 2:35am
as well

mugenb20b, Dec 12, 2:36am

mugenb20b, Dec 12, 2:37am

falcon15, Dec 12, 2:38am
have you just replaced the motor in a car that already had a s2 rb25det in it or have you just done a coversion into somthing different. could be so many things like incorectly wired

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:39am
as above, change the cas, for these dummies above "Cam angle sensor", as i know its getting fuel, its on the spark plugs, and i can hear the pump, for the ecu, i have four of them,all of them have a power light, so im guessing they all work.

horsepower7, Dec 12, 2:40am
Hey i know how to spell and i have an rb25, and i am a female! Some of us are normal you know haha ;-p hope you get the car sorted, good luck!

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:41am
s2 rb25de r33 skyline, plug and play ecu wiring loom to a s2 rb25det tho

ninja_man, Dec 12, 2:42am
dont listen to the spelling police.

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:44am
mugenb20b is you'r hand getting board of you, cause i am bahaha

falcon15, Dec 12, 2:46am
are the coils getting a constant power feed and the earth is good if so then it can really only be the triggering side so CAS, ecu or wiring between them and the coils. the fuel pump and injectors work off a different part of the CAS than the coils

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:48am
Na its funny, The response you get on here, these people don' know how to work, use tools, They are a tool with no or little knowledge about stuff, so they give people shit, i was 21 once aswell

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:49am
i see thank you alot,

daniel79, Dec 12, 2:52am
so as i said i had a auto tec around, he thought it was the cas, so he tried using the 25de one, it did not fit, so he pulled the one off the 2-det i had laying around, would this effect it! he rewired that rb2-det one in to the rb25det loom, still no luck. any idears!