Need new engine for Bedford Ambulance.

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mellisa2000, Dec 14, 4:34am
Far better suggestion, change to Cresta CrownWheel and pinion, would be the first step. DO THAT first, before anything, then drive for a few weeks to gauge the economy. The difference will be massive. The you don't have to worry about shagging around with this/that engine/combos etc. You will still have a heavy old clanger though, so how much economy do you expect! Its an Ambulance FFS.

bubbles244, Dec 14, 1:08pm
210 kw at the wheel through a R33 5 speed manual and ford 9 inch differential for the non turbo.

Turbo .well the sky is the limit or your wallet which ever breaks first.

the reason im basing this on the i.e. tickford 4 litre is that the asking price for a BA/ turbo is not cheap, and it is alot cheaper to rebuild a nissan pakage then a ford one by far.

mrfxit, Dec 14, 2:50pm
All this chatter about KW / HP & Turbos's , are mostly useless in this situation.
The ONLY item of ANY importance is TORQUE.

It's an ex ambo / Heavy VAN / slowly moving BRICK running on TRUCK suspension.>>>>
Turbo's & high HP/KW are simply going to create a lot of stress at high relative rev's compared to a high torque engine.
You need an engine thats built like a battleship & couldn't really give a shite about what gear it's in on what gradient of hill

mrfxit, Dec 14, 2:58pm
& others with the same suggestion .>>>>>

A higher diff ratio is only viable IF the motor has enough torque to handle the ambo's weight & the roads it's being used on.

Exactly the same effect is well known in all 4x4 owners & clubs when going to taller tyres
Been there done that many times before with diff ratio's & tyre /engine size ratio combo's

No idea on the math, but I KNOW the feeling when I get to drive them & then it's fairly easy to sort it from there if viable $$ wise

mrfxit, Dec 14, 3:13pm
Both engines STOCK STD factory spec & easily located

EB falcon 4L specs
Single cam (no turbo)
Claimed max power 148 kW @ 4,500 rpm
Claimed max torque (Nm) 348 Nm @ 3750 rpm
RB30 Nissan 3L spec's (VL commodore)
single-cam turbo
Claimed Max power 150 kW at 5,600 rpm,
Claimed Max power 296 Nm at 3,200 rpm

I know which I would rather have in a mobile brick

The EB coon is also well known for it's freakishly goodeconomy.

mrfxit, Dec 14, 3:18pm
Sorry but a boltin swap won't work for the torque you need & to get that sort of needed increase will still need certing.
The v8 swap with something like a 308 could very well be more economical & would bolt in with minimal hassle.
Don't even consider a 253 for that weight of mobile brick.

bubbles244, Dec 15, 11:54am
you can fit a 20de head to the rb30 block but is very restrictive. thats why it only got 177.

you want the rb25 or 26 head as it has way better flow characteristics. and is a striaght bolt on affair, no port and cylinder bore matching

bubbles244, Dec 15, 11:57am
an 1980's block design with a mid to late 90's head design isn't you put it, your post is irrelevant. where talking cost vs power and its much cheaper to build a rb30de/t then find a twin cam 4.0 out of a wrecked BA etc. plus the BA falcon block is one of the longest 6 cylinder engines out there, thats why we are talking V6/8 or japanese power

budgel, Dec 15, 12:38pm
I would certainly do the diff mod first, after that if still needed, a 3.8commodore would be shorter than the other options.

Higher profile tyres are also an easy way to raise the effectivefinal drive ratio by a few percent.

morrisman1, Dec 15, 12:42pm
put a rota in it

mrfxit, Dec 15, 2:26pm
YO hold on a mo.
Read that again.

Stock EB falcon spec's
Stock RB30 Spec's

NOTHING was said about a BA falcon engine & I was only pointing out thedifferences between the 2 STOCK STANDARD enginesbeing mentioned.

Oh & yea . i DID also mention the option of a V8 in another post

devillemad, Dec 15, 2:27pm
Never mind your ford shit., Put a 253 in it.

mram, Dec 15, 2:32pm
stuff the "two flies and a flea" just an old asthmatic dog, never late in a 308!

mrfxit, Jun 9, 1:06pm
LOL You had better be just stirring, most ppl already know that a 308 use's less fuel then a 253 to do the same job