Stuck CD- stereo no go

gemini2005, Feb 6, 12:53am
I have CD that won't eject from CD player.Nothing on stereo works now - anyone any ideas how/if I can get out. Failing that a good placeto take to to have this done.

jono2912, Feb 6, 2:02am
What type of stereo! Is it just an aftermarket one, and how much was it if so!

andrea_w, Feb 6, 2:05am
Factory CD player or aftermarket!
If its a factory item, is it a single CD player or is there an in dash stacker!
The only way to get the CD out is to remove the stereo. Once its out, sometimes you can pop the lid off the stereo which allows access to the CD area, you can then remove whatever the CD is catching on and slide the CD out. Failing that, you need to keep removing the guts of the stereo until you can get to and remove the CD.
Depending on the CD player and also depending on why the CD is stuck, it might not be worth the hassle and its easier to just buy a new stereo.

gemini2005, Feb 6, 2:25am
I believe it is a factory fitted stereo. . . . . . No dash stacker. Looks like I will endeavor to remove.cheers

jono2912, Feb 6, 2:33am
To be honest, I'd just replace it.

moosie_21, Feb 6, 2:38am
Failing being able to remove panels to get to the CD, try using two knives to get the CD out, worked for me on my old DVD player quite a bit. Remember to keep the power off tho, might try to suck your knives in!

Edit: Butter knives that is.

andrea_w, Feb 6, 2:41am
OP : What make/model/year car is it!

gemini2005, Feb 6, 3:38am
Car is 95 subarea 250 t.

im_andrew, Mar 19, 9:55am
Before trying all that other stuff, try a hard reset. Disconnect the battery for an hour or so, then come back, reconnect it and power it up. It should spit it out then.

Generally 'keeping' cds means the lazer in the cd player is out of alignment, burnt out or dirty and it doesnt know there is a cd in there. More often than not its time to replace the unit.

Anyone feel free to correct me on the cause of the problem - its only a theory, but hard resetting to get cds out of dodgy players does work, I do it quite often at work.